
From: Natural News
By: Wendy Merrill
Dated: October 12, 2013
Iridology Is Another Tool In The Optimal Health Toolbox

It never fails. Say the word "iridology" and get strange looks in return from people. Why? One reason is even though it is considered an alternative modality of health, it's not a very commonly used one. And also, some of those puzzled looks are a result of iridology being mistaken as a means of assessing vision. So, what is it really? It is a science related to the study of the iris of the eye. Who knew that the color portion of the eye can tell an iridologist a lot about the internal makeup of an individual's genetics?

Most of what's analyzed in the iris relates to a person's familial history. For example, during an iris analysis, an iridologist could perhaps see a marking on the section of the iris that internally correlates with the heart. But an abnormal looking pattern in the iris does not necessarily mean there is a problem. What it could mean is that someone in that person's family may have had heart issues and perhaps they, in turn, inherited a genetic predisposition to the same type of troubles. The great news here, however, is that with this kind of information known, a person has some rare insight into their potential strengths as well as deficiencies and could adjust their lifestyle in such a way as to perhaps stave off a lurking illness. These changes in living could be the difference between the manifestation of disease, the eradication of it, or better yet, never experiencing it at all.

Each iris is made up of well over 10,000 fibers connecting to the brain.

Generally speaking, a person's iris is a culmination of their previous 3 generations .. parents, grandparents and great-grandparents. So, approximately 14 people are responsible for the structural look to the iris. Iridology is about 80% genetic. Conversely, the whites of the eyes and the pupil area are more representative of something that could be happening currently.

With what other science can a non-invasive procedure, such as an iris analysis, be done which gives an individual clues into their possible future insufficiencies? How is this done? The iridologist generally will take high-resolution photographs of both irides, then magnify them to a point where they can view the individual fibers. The irides have north of 28,000 nerve endings which connect to the brain. The iris, directly and indirectly, via the nervous system, connects to every organ, gland, and tissue in the body. An experienced iridologist would simply compare the high-magnification photographs to various charts and other professional assessment tools in their arsenal. Then, their client is generally given a complete full-body evaluation including numerous nutritional and lifestyle improving suggestions.

This is yet another painless and inexpensive health assessment tool made available to us from the natural world.

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