Hepatitis C:

Former surgeon general Everett Koop, MD. has called Hepatitis C an epidemic because most people infected by Hepatitis C do not notice any symptoms until serious liver damage starts 20 years or so later. Testing can detect the infection and lead to early treatment. Hepatitis C Solutions will show you how to combat Hepatitis C using natural homeopathic alternatives instead of interferon. By tackling Hepatitis C with natures remedy instead of poison you will have 1 remarkable side effect: you're Going To Feel Better! Hepatitis C is controllable, Hepatitis C can be beat.

Hepatitis C is a serious communicable (contagious) disease of the liver that is caused by the hepatitis C virus (HCV). Hepatitis C and its implications were identified only recently. There still is much to learn about the disease, the virus that causes it, and treatment options, both conventional and alternative.

About 4 to 5 million Americans are infected with HCV, and many of them do not even know they have it. Other forms of viral hepatitis usually resolve without treatment. But most people with HCV-85 percent develop chronic (frequent or long-lasting) hepatitis C. The majority of people infected with HCV show no symptoms for up to 20 to 30 years. During that time, though, the infection may be slowly damaging the person's liver.

The virus can be found in a number of organs of the body. However, the infection is spread mainly by contact with the blood of an infected person. Once a person is infected, the body's immune (disease-fighting) system cannot combat the virus very well.

Most people with chronic hepatitis C develop long-term liver disease, which interferes with the liver's ability to work properly. Some patients eventually develop cirrhosis (scarring of the liver); some get liver cancer; and some even die from liver disease.

Repeated injections of regular ("conventional") drugs, like interferon, currently available to treat chronic hepatitis C get rid of the virus only in approximately 30 to 40 percent of infected people. In addition, these drugs can produce unbearable side effects. So, many people are looking to complementary and alternative therapies for help.

Some people are turning to herbs for relief. They use herbs either to help with hepatitis itself or to deal with side effects of interferon. These harmful side effects can include: sudden hearing loss; anemia and other forms of low blood cell counts; headaches; heart, eye, liver, or kidney problems; and disorders of the mind, including depression. Among potential herbal therapies (including licorice root, ginseng, ginger, and St. John's wort) for hepatitis C, the most promising alternative treatment seems to be the herb commonly called milk thistle.

In Germany, where many herbs are regulated and prescribed like drugs, health authorities have approved milk thistle as a complementary treatment (given in addition to conventional drugs) for cirrhosis, hepatitis, and similar liver conditions. But a great deal of research still is needed before this alternative therapy could be considered a standard treatment option in the United States.

Milk Thistle originally is from Europe, but now it also is grown in the United States. Its scientific name is Silybum marianum. The ingredient that experts believe is responsible for its medicinal qualities is called silymarin. Silymarin is found in the fruits of the milk thistle plant. Studies in animals have shown that this active ingredient promotes the following activities:

Milk thistle is not used to prevent HCV from causing liver disease. Rather, it is used with the hope that it would minimize the damage to the liver that HCV can cause.

Because milk thistle does not dissolve well in water, the herb is not effective in the form of a tea. It currently is marketed in the United States as a dietary supplement in the form of capsules containing 200 milligrams of a concentrated extract with 140 milligrams of silymarin.

Licorice Root - Herbalists use tea made with licorice root to manage some of the effects hepatitis has on the liver. The scientific name for licorice root is Glycyrrhiza glabra, and its active component is called glycyrrhizin. Studies suggest that licorice root displays antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties.

Ginseng - Tests on animals and on human tissues suggest that ginseng may help the body's disease fighting and glandular systems. Tests in small animals also suggest that ginseng may help improve the way the liver works and reduce damage to liver tissue caused by hepatitis and similar conditions. However, a search of the current literature shows no studies in people that test ginseng's helpfulness for hepatitis. Only one study, conducted in Italy, shows that ginseng may be helpful for elderly people with liver conditions similar to hepatitis.

Ginger - For 2,500 years, the Chinese have used ginger (Zingiber officinale) to treat nausea. Some, but not all, research studies confirm that ginger may reduce nausea. This herb may relieve nausea and vomiting caused by interferon drug therapy in some patients with hepatitis C. Ginger generally is recognized as safe and is not known to cause any serious side effects. Ginger is relatively inexpensive and readily available. It most commonly is taken in the form of a tea.

St. John's Wort - Some patients with hepatitis C take the herb St. John's wort (Hypericum perforatum) to treat depression caused by interferon drug therapy. Although St. John's wort is not a proven treatment for depression, studies have shown that it does have antidepressive effects over the short term. Although research largely has been done using capsules of this herb, St. John's wort also is taken as a tea. There is no proof yet that St. John's wort is effective and safe over the long term.

Some Other Natural Therapies As Follows:

Hepatitis Information: Dr. Mercola 12/17/2000 - There Are Natural Therapies

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