
Humans exist in symbiosis with bacteria living all around and inside us. People migrate towards bacteria. The occasional ingestion of bacteria boosts our acquired immunity. Antibiotics have been rightfully deemed "miracle drugs" because of the countless lives they have saved from potentially lethal infections such as meningitis. Yet the word "antibiotic" means "against life." These powerful drugs kill all bacteria in the body. Our society has initiated a foolhardy war on bacteria, forgetting that bacteria support life more regularly, than they do harm.

Hundreds of beneficial types of bacteria live in our bodies, helping to protect against the harmful ones. While antibiotics are effective in killing bad bacteria, they also kill the good bacteria, an important part of our immune system, lining the digestive, respiratory, and urinary tracts. Without protection from friendly bacteria, disease-causing agents more readily take hold.

Antibiotic use often causes yeast overgrowth, as seen in babies that present thrush after treatment. Yeast overgrowth further weakens the immune system. The prophylactic prescription of antibiotics is a major contributing factor to chronic health conditions. David Bell, antimicrobial resistance coordinator for the CDC, clarifies one reason for this: "The overuse of antibiotics is the driving force for bacteria to become resistant." Antibiotic resistance occurs when the antibiotic is effective in killing some of the bacteria, but the ones that survive breed more of this stronger type and mutate to become resistant to the antibiotic should they meet it again.

Antibiotic use can also lead non-disease causing bacteria to mutate into more pernicious strains and become disease causing. Often, a vicious cycle is created of taking antibiotics and breeding new and more resistant strains of bacteria while the immune system becomes increasingly degraded. Drug-resistant bacterial infections affect nearly two million Americans. "If you've had antibiotics recently, you are three to nine times more likely to have a resistant infection than someone who has not had an antibiotic." Bell explains. Yet US doctors prescribe around twice as many antibiotics as English doctors and four times as many as those in Germany, often for ailments such as the common cold or a sore throat. Antibiotics are ineffective in killing viruses; still, in 1992, American doctors wrote twelve million antibiotic prescriptions for respiratory infections, a category of illnesses Usually caused by viruses. A staggering ninety percent of all antibiotics prescribed in the US are either prescribed inappropriately or used inappropriately by the patients. This overuse is largely due to the American desire for quick results that ensure our daily routine is interrupted as little as possible. Antibiotics are strong and operate fast. This "quick fix" mentality is especially harmful to our children. Some day care centers have seen the number of children infected with penicillin-resistant strep as high as twenty-nine percent. Overprescription occurs most often between age one and six, when ear infections are common.

Herbal treatments are very effective in treating bacterial and other common infections. (Please consult an herbalist for appropriate dosing). Several herbs such as garlic, goldenseal, myrrh, usnea, and uva ursi have antibiotic effects. The difference between an antibiotic drug and an antibiotic herb is that the drug is an isolated constituent, limited to the power of that one chemical, whereas the herb contains several constituents, with a variety of healing properties, producing a synergistic effect.

The herb can actually kill only the bad bacteria while not harming the good. The drug does not have the wisdom to differentiate. Furthermore, most bacteria are not fooled by all isolated compound; Often the drug becomes ineffective or the cells mutate eventually to become resistant to the drug. The organic herb is nature's match for the bacteria.

I believe it was Edison who eloquently conveyed, "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." Herbs are wonderful allies for boosting the immune system. Fresh garlic is an antibiotic, antibacterial, antifungal immune stimulant. Add it to foods to prevent illness. A lemonade with garlic, ginger, and honey nips colds, flus, and respiratory ailments in the bud before they have a chance to become infectious. Immune boosting herbs that make "tasty additions to soups are astragalus, codonopsis, burdock root, nettles, medicinal mushrooms, and seaweeds. It is increasingly important to incorporate these healing foods into your diet during the change of seasons, when the immune system is most vulnerable.

Garlic and mullein flower is soothing, and along with omission of dairy, wheat, and sugar, is an effective treatment for ear infections, whereas inappropriate antibiotic use may perpetuate the problem instead of solving it.

Calendula tea is one of my favorite initial remedies for almost anything you contract. Make a tea for eczema, allergies, chronic respiratory infection, colds, flus, fevers, or coughs. Calendula tea alone or with myrrh can be used as a gargle for gum, mouth, and throat infections. Myrrh is especially beneficial for mucus membranes and stimulates white blood cell production. Use calendula in combination with the immune stimulant Echinacea for tonsillitis. If swollen glands are present, add a lymphatic cleanser such as cleavers.

When you get a skin injury, try herbs instead of antibiotic ointment. Calendula is an extremely effective, yet gentle herb. It is an anti-inflammatory, antifungal, antiseptic wound healer that induces detoxification through sweating and stimulation of the lymph. Calendula has been proven effective against Staph bacteria, which has become resistant to many antibiotics and is responsible for causing skin infections. Use a tea or diluted alcohol extract to cleanse a wound first. Then use a salve made from calendula infused oil to inhibit infection and inflammation and promote the growth of new skin. Another versatile antibiotic herb to include in a salve is Usnea. The unique blend of antibiotic chemicals in this lichen is used to protect the plant from microorganisms. They affect humans the same way. Used topically, Usnea will kill germs, fungus and molds, and internally it will fight conditions such as bronchitis, and urinary tract infections. Usnic acid is effective against streptococcus, staphylococcus, and bacteria that causes pneumonia.

Honey is another miraculous wound healer that has proved exceptional in its treatment for burns. Honey will keep the wound or burn moist which aids tissue regeneration and inhibits scarring. While moisture provides an excellent environment for bacteria to thrive, the natural hydrogen peroxide present in honey makes it a powerful antibacterial.

Fevers are a symptom of an underlying invasion in the body. The fever results in an effort to burn the antigen to its demise. Fevers under 102 should be allowed to run their course for at least 24 hours, providing that you are taking fluids well and not excessively out-of-sorts. Support the fever in doing its job more efficiently with "febrifuge" herbs and diaphoretics. My favorites are yarrow, which is also antiseptic; catnip, which aids in getting some sleep; lemon balm, an antidepressant antiviral; and elder, a magical mothering plant that enhances immunity especially where allergies are present.

When using an herbal therapy, improvement should occur within 48 hours, continue, and the infection should be cleared up within seven to ten days. If this is not the case, please consult a physician. If antibiotic treatment is necessary, make sure to support the body through this intense therapy. Follow up with probiotics that restore healthy gut flora. Plain live yogurt is an ideal source of acidophilus and bifidus, but supplements are available as well. Inulin is a probiotic found in the roots of dandelion and burdock. These versatile healing roots will also aid the liver, kidneys, and urinary system in their effort to cleanse the antibiotic pharmaceutical from the body, as will the use of aforementioned diaphoretics that aid the body in sweating.

Increase your vitamin C consumption. Leafy greens are a great source, as are rose hips, hibiscus, and violet flower teas.

For more information on Antibiotics: Eurek Alert

For more information on Antibiotics: Dr. Johnathan V. Wright 9/13/2004 - Antibiotic Resistant Strain

For more information on Antibiotics: Dr. Mercola 11/10/2004 - Bugs Are Winning

For more information on Antibiotics: Dr. Mercola 4/1/2006 - Asthma

For more information on Antibiotics: Dr. Mercola 5/2/2006 - Safer Meats

For more information on Antibiotics: Dr. Mercola 5/18/2006 - Ketek

For more information on Antibiotics: Dr. Mercola 5/27/2006 - Antibiotic Pulled

For more information on Probiotics: Dr. Mercola 5/27/2006 - Probiotics