Hyaluronic Acid:

From: Natural News
By: Elizabeth Walling
Dated: May 5, 2011
Rediscover Youthful Skin With Hyaluronic Acid Serum

If there is an idea that has mesmerized countless souls over the centuries, it is the tale of a fountain of youth. The idea of remaining ageless has appealed to mankind since the dawn of time, but most of us realize this is a pipe dream. However, maintaining a youthful complexion and improving the appearance of our skin is not beyond our reach. In fact, one of the best kept secrets for naturally ageless skin is hyaluronic acid serum.

How Hyaluronic Acid Serum Improves Skin

Hyaluronic acid (also known as sodium hyaluronate) naturally occurs in our skin and joints. As we age, our body produces less hyaluronic acid, which encourages fine lines on your face and creaky joints in your knees. The secret of hyaluronic acid serum is that it deeply penetrates the skin with moisture. When applied to your skin, hyaluronic acid serum actually helps the cells in your skin absorb and retain moisture. This gives your skin the soft and supple glow of youth that it`s been missing.

Note: Although its name may imply that hyaluronic acid is a harsh exfoliant (such as an alpha hydroxy acid), this could not be further from the truth. Hyaluronic acid is actually extremely gentle and nourishing to the skin. In fact, it`s so gentle that its even ideal for sensitive skin.

How To Choose A Good Hyaluronic Acid Serum

It's important to find a high quality hyaluronic acid serum. Read the ingredient label carefully. While hyaluronic acid is gentle and not likely to clog pores, in some serums it is paired with ingredients that may irritate your skin. Also, higher quality serums will contain more hyaluronic acid and may be more effective than those that include only a small amount of hyaluronic acid in their formula.

Tip: When you use hyaluronic acid serum, don`t forget to apply it to other areas of your skin in addition to your face, such as your neck and chest.

Hyaluronic Acid: Serum Or Supplements?

Hyaluronic acid is also available in supplement form (usually in capsules or tablets). These are often recommended for lubricating connective tissue for those with stiff or painful joints. But many users note that these supplements improve their skin as well. It may take several weeks before these results appear, however. For noticeable results right away, use a hyaluronic acid serum topically at least once per day on your skin. Over time, improvements will continue and using a hyaluronic acid supplement as part of your regimen may enhance long term results.

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