Kidney Stones:

Content Written By: Dil G. Barnett 2003

Jump And Bump: Natural Kidney Stone Removal Method

This site contains a natural remedy for relief from Kidney Stone problems and pain and ureter stone pain. A kidney stone is a hard mass developed from crystals that separate from the urine and build up on the inner surfaces of the kidney. Kidney Stone and Ureter stone pain affect thousands of people in the US. Urolithiasis is the medical term used to describe stones occurring in the urinary tract. Other frequently used terms are urinary tract stone disease and nephrolithiasis. Doctors also use terms that describe the location of the stone in the urinary tract. For example, a ureteral stone (or ureterolithiasis) is a kidney stone found in the ureter. To keep things simple, however, the term "kidney stones" is used throughout our site. The "Jump and Bump" method of pain relief from Kidney Stones is natural, drug free and cost free.

What Causes Kidney Stone Pain?

I will not burden the reader with details of the urinary system, such as size of the kidneys, ureters, bladder, different types of stones, and so forth, because you probably know the basic information. However, there is some relatively new info on stone pain about which some sufferers may not be aware.

In the older literature, the main source of pain with ureterolithiasis was said to be the stone moving through the small, delicate ureter scratching, scraping, gouging, and cutting as it goes. Currently, many pain experts say that even though the described abrasion and cutting may cause damage such as scarring of the ureters, there is no immediate pain from this passage. Actually, neither ureter pain, nor injury to the ureter by the moving stone is relevant to our discussion: with the method we describe there is very little, if any, "moving contact" between the stone and the ureter tissues as you will see later within this site.

The basic ureter stone pain is now said to result when the weight of the urine above the obstruction (hydrostatic pressure) causes the extremely elastic ureter to expand outward. Gravity pulls the urine downward to form a distinctive bulge immediately above the stone when the body is in the upright position. And the problem is in the early stage of development. We will show how this relatively small bulge of urine that we call our "liquid tool" can be activated to move a stone quickly (within minutes) through the ureter into the bladder with minimal pain.

Several Methods Of Relieving Stone Pain

If dilation of the ureter above an obstruction is the basic cause of pain, then anything that "deflates" the ureter should eliminate the pain. There are many reports of vibrators applied over the affected kidney and ureter temporarily eliminating the pain. Apparently, the many hundreds of tiny jolts that the vibrator delivers to the extremely ELASTIC ureter "shake" hundreds of tiny increments of urine past the obstruction, causing the ureter to deflate. This deflation temporarily relieves or even eliminates the pain for a while. Two other methods are said to relieve stone pain:

While these methods can be very beneficial to the stone sufferer, they do very little, if anything, to shorten the passage time of the stone through the ureter. Stones may still take many days and nights to pass to the bladder.

There Is A Known Method That Combines Pain Relief With Quick Stone Passage

The answer is a very emphatic yes! Apparently this method is not widely known, because I cannot find direct mention of it in any of the kidney stone literature.

I have given this method the unpretentious, but appropriate name, Jump and Bump. While the method has been very effective and consistent for several others and me, at this point it is a raw, crude, method lacking clinical research and refinement. It is my hope and firm belief that an appropriate gravity moving inertia inducing apparatus, with a full complement of suitable features, will be invented. I also hope the method will be researched, refined, and made suitable for clinical use!

Everyone Knows What Gravity Is, But What Is Moving Inertia?

A practical wording of the definition of inertia is: A characteristic of any object that causes that object, whatever it is, to try to stay in the condition of rest or movement that it is already in. In other words, if the object is at rest, it tries to stay at rest. On the other hand, if the object is moving, it tries to continue moving in a straight line. So inertia might be considered to be two separate states: resting inertia and moving inertia. For our discussion, we are thinking in terms of the combined force of gravity and moving inertia.

Every day we see, and use, some trivial examples of the combined force of gravity and moving inertia to solve simple problems. One example of using this combined force is the farmer that comes from the barn with muddy shoes. To get some of the mud from his shoes, he stamps on the ground. The ground stops the shoe and the foot, but because of the combined force of gravity and inertia, the mud continues downward, thereby at least partially freeing the shoe of mud. No doubt, you can think of many other examples.

An Especially Good Example Of Gravity And Moving Inertia

Many years ago, before the development of commercial cold storage, folks would buy relatively large quantities of jumbo sweet onions at harvest time, place them in old discarded, nylon hose, and hang them from the ceiling so that each individual onion was "air cured." What makes this an especially good example is that the method used to get the huge onion to the foot of the hose is substantially analogous to getting a large stone down the ureter!

An onion is pushed a short distance down the hose, allowing the top of the hose to be gripped firmly. Even though the hose is extremely elastic, similar to the ureter in this regard, gravity by itself is not strong enough to pull the onion downward. However, when a sharp downward thrust is made with the hand, hose, and onion, and the hand and hose are abruptly stopped, the combined force of gravity and moving inertia causes the onion to continue downward for a short distance. After a few seconds of time and a few repetitions of the described movements, the onion is moved to the foot of the hose.

The Beginnings Of A Ureter Stone Problem

When a stone leaves a kidney (Ureterolithiasis); and gets "hung" in the tiny ureter, partially or completely obstructing the normal transfer of urine to the bladder, urine will slowly accumulate above the stone. The urinary system responds to this small bulge of urine by increasing the frequency of peristaltic waves in an attempt to dislodge the obstructing stone. If the stone is not dislodged, the accumulation of urine will continue to slowly build. At some point, a sudden, distinct (but usually mild) pain is felt by the individual. In most cases, a considerable period of time elapses, sometimes several hours, before the distention of the obstructed ureter becomes so great as to cause extremely intense pain. For most individuals, this will be plenty of time to "prep" for the Jump and Bump routine.

Solving A Ureter Stone Problem

There Are 4 Goals To Strive For In Order To Solve A Ureter Stone Problem:

A job for miracle medicine? The application of futuristic technology? Actually, all it takes to accomplish the 4 stated goals is an understanding and application of Junior High School level, old-fashioned, Newtonian grade physics. You don't need quantum mechanics or string theory!

The accumulation of urine above an obstructing stone is the basic problem, not only in pain generation, but also in the occasional loss of kidney function if allowed to become severe. However, in its early development, when it is least painful and still of a non damaging size, it is the perfect "liquid tool" for accomplishing all 4 stated goals! This liquid tool is activated as follows: when you jump vertically a few inches and land stiffly, with the ankles, knees, and hips locked, your body, including the ureters, stops suddenly. But, because of the combined force of gravity and moving inertia, your liquid tool continues downward, applying enough pressure to "stretch open" the ureter around the obstruction, for a split second of time. During this split second period, there are 3 simultaneous actions that move the stone downward:

Exactly How Are We Accomplishing Our Four Stated Goals?

Procedure For The Jump Method

Before deciding to follow this procedure on your next stone, check with your doctor. If you and your doctor decide that this "exercise" is appropriate for you, then immediately make a practice dry run through the procedure to make sure that there are no surprises. Also, memorize all steps and make sure you understand the rationale for each step.

Step One

At the very onset of what you perceive to be ureter stone pain, start drinking lukewarm water. Drink as much as you comfortably can, as quickly as you can, at least one or two pints in the first 10 minutes. If you think you might become nauseous, have a good supply of fast acting anti emetic suppositories on hand and place one rectally prior to drinking the lukewarm water. Put on a sturdy pair of shoes. You should know ahead of time what hard surface area, such as carport or patio, you will use. (Your neighbors don't necessarily need to see this "exercise".)

After about 25 - 30 minutes from the time you began to drink the lukewarm water, you are ready for step number two. Remember: you may experience some increase in pain during the 25 - 30 minutes of prep period; however, this should be assurance that you have developed a nice, heavy, liquid tool of urine that will quickly (within 15 - 25 minutes) move your stone to the bladder. In fact, if you do not experience some small increase in pain, it could mean that a small stone (3 -4 mm or less) is involved, creating only partial obstruction. This results in a small, lightweight, liquid tool, in which case it could take as much as 40 - 50 minutes to move the stone to the bladder.

Step Two

Now you are ready for the "exercise". Jump vertically, at least an inch or two, and land as stiffly as possible, with the ankles, knees, and hips "locked." Immediately repeat the jump.

Wait about 5 minutes and do another pair of jumps.

Wait about 5 minutes and do another pair of jumps.

Wait about 5 minutes and do another pair of jumps.

Continue this pattern for about 45 - 50 minutes, or until complete cessation of pain, whichever comes first.

After about 5 to 10 minutes from the first pair of jumps, empty the bladder, and continue to do so about every 10 minutes thereafter. There is a good reason for keeping the bladder nearly empty during the procedure. The literature clearly shows that there is less resistance by the bladder to the transfer of urine from the ureter to the bladder when the bladder is empty than when it is full, or partially full. Therefore, we can assume that this might also be true for a stone. It makes sense that a stone will go into the bladder more easily when the bladder is empty, or nearly empty, than when it is full or partially full.

Procedure For The Bump Method

Judging from my limited use of the bump method, it is just as effective as the jump method. All of the basic instructions and suggestions for the jump method apply to the bump method, so study these instructions very carefully. With the bump method, you would obviously not need a sturdy pair of shoes, and the bumping site might be different than the jumping site. An open toilet seat should be ideal for most individuals, as a bumping site. The main reason that the open toilet seat is ideal is that no special arrangements need to be made to protect the genitals from damage, as would be required on a hard flat surface. As for males, since the testicles can be pulled upward by a jock strap (athletic supporter) or by hand, toward the navel, most any hard, flat surface of suitable height is fine. (Your neighbors do not necessarily need to see this "exercise" either!)

Beginning The Actual BUMP Procedure:

Back up to the toilet seat (or other hard flat surface) as if to sit down, but instead of sitting completely down, stop for a second or two suspended 4 to 6 inches from the seat, then free fall the 4 to 6 inches to the seat, immediately rise to the previous position, hesitate a second or two, and free fall the 4 to 6 inches again.

Wait about 5 minutes and repeat the pair of bumps.

Wait about 5 minutes and repeat the pair of bumps.

Wait about 5 minutes and repeat the pair of bumps.

Continue this pattern for about 45 - 50 minutes, or until complete cessation of pain, whichever comes first. And don't forget to empty the bladder about every 10 minutes.

What Other Users Of The Method Have To Say

Part of the cautious approach in deciding whether or not to create this site was to find other stone sufferers, tell them of my success, and encourage those with simple, uncomplicated cases (like mine) to use the method. I found many such individuals at Kidney Stones Support Group [email protected]

Of the approximately 15 that used the method and followed directions as outlined in this site, all reported success!

Those positive responses can be studied by checking the following message numbers on the Kidney-Stones group in Yahoo Groups: 3503, 3541, 3554, 3561, 3564, 3566, 3569, 3657, 3790, 4075, 4172, 5813, 7117, 8486, 8487, and 8488. In addition, three individuals reported their results directly to me. They are as follows:


Before deciding to follow this procedure on your next stone, check with your doctor. You and your doctor should decide together that this "exercise" is appropriate for you. As with all health matters your doctor and other professional health care specialists should be your primary advisors concerning kidney stones.

What If You Can Drink Only A Small Amount Of Water?

Then you may need to wait longer than the 5 minute period between the pairs of jumps or bumps, to give the associated kidney extra time to produce a nice, heavy, liquid tool of urine. Of course drinking large amounts of water will not always ensure a heavy weight liquid tool. For instance, I always drank 1.5 to 2 pints of water during the first 10 minutes, yet with the 3 - 4 mm stones, the obstruction was so minimal, and the resulting liquid tool of urine so small and lightweight, that it took 40 to 50 minutes vs. the 15 to 25 minutes required to move the larger stone to the bladder.

What If I Only Want Immediate Pain Relief?

I have never used the J or B for pain relief only, but I think it would work. According to the newer literature, by the time you have the sudden ureter stone pain, it means that you have at least a tiny liquid tool of urine above the stone. While this tiny tool might not be large or heavy enough to move the stone much, if at all, it should be heavy enough to push by the obstruction. Probably about 4 to 6 quick jumps or bumps will be enough to deflate the ureter. And remember, it will take several minutes for the pain to completely subside after the basic cause of pain, the dilated ureter, has been deflated. Be prepared for the pain to return possibly 30 to 60 minutes later, as the ureter slowly re inflates with urine above the obstruction.

Will The Jump Or Bump Help Move A Stone From The Bladder?

It is very doubtful. Anyway, the urethra is so much larger than the smallest parts of the ureters, a stone that has passed through the ureter will usually pass easily from the bladder to the outside, although it sometimes takes hours or even days for a stone to pass from the bladder to the outside!

What About Using A Combination Of Jumps And Bumps?

The rationale for an alternate to the Jump method anticipates the possibility that physical limitations, such as ankle, knee, or hip joint problems might preclude use of the Jump. And, as stated earlier, either method should be effective. However, due to the curved route that the ureter takes as it enters the bladder, and the fact that the body is bent forward in the suspended Bump position, thereby at least partially compensating for the curve in the ureter, the Bump method may prove to be more effective in getting the stone into the bladder, especially if the stone is large. Starting with 2 or 3 pairs of Jumps and finishing with the required pairs of Bumps could be very effective.

How Will I Know If My Stone Is In The Bladder?

You may not know for sure! If you drank at least a pint or two of water, waited the 25-30 minutes before doing the first pair of jumps (or bumps), and kept the bladder empty, then when you suddenly feel the pain fade away you can be reasonably sure that the stone has entered the bladder. However, this may not always be the case; your stone may only be down to the bladder.

According to the older literature, it was common practice to leave a stone at the UVJ (very near the bladder) for up to several months. It would usually enter the bladder during this time if it was 6mm or less in size. It was found that a stone in this size range could remain in this location for months without causing significant pain or other complications, contrary to a stone left in much larger sections of the ureter! Just what mechanisms cause/allow a stone to remain "trouble free" for months in the tiniest part of the ureter is unclear.

Whether the jump and bump, or some variation, will be consistently effective for stones larger than 6-7 mm is not known. Stones this size are generally considered the upper limit for spontaneous passage.

Kidney Stone Information: Jon Barron 11/2/2012 - Kidney flush

Kidney Stones Information: Livestrong - Alternative Treatment For Kidney Stones

Kidney Stones Information: The Kidney Stone Website - Eliminating The Kidney Stone

Kidney Stones Information: Natural News 10/11/2012 - Pumpkin Discourages Kidney Stones

Kidney Stones Information: Natural News 10/31/2012 - Herbal Teas And Grocery Foods Dissolve Kidney Stones And Reverse Renal Failure

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