
From the Daily Health News

January 30, 2006

Raise a Glass to Beer

Beer drinkers tend to get the short end of the stick. While wine connoisseurs are thought of as chic and sophisticated, beer drinkers are routinely portrayed as slothful, pot-bellied creatures planted in front of TVs. In one memorable news exposé several summers ago, beer drinkers on working-class Rockaway Beach in New York City were arrested (no open containers please), while the mayor sat comfortably ensconced among wine sippers at a philharmonic orchestra concert in Central Park.

But now there's good news for beer drinkers. It turns out that by and large alcohol is alcohol, and socioeconomic stereotypes aside, the health benefits of beer are not all that different from the benefits of wine. Of course the key word here is moderation and most experts advise no more than two alcoholic beverages a day for men and no more than one for women. So what's so good about beer?

Here's to your health

There is an increasing body of serious research, that backs up beer's benefits.

Proceed with caution

Promising as all this research appears, talking about alcohol always requires special caution. It's all too easy to slip over the line from healthful consumption to overconsumption and physical damage, warns Dr. Denke. Yes, regular moderate consumption can benefit the heart, kidneys, bones and more. But, by the same token, drinking too much alcohol can seriously harm vital organs and processes in the body. While we all think of beer as having more than its fair share of calories, in fact it is not significantly higher than other forms of alcohol. As always, moderation in all things is the best path to follow.

For more information about Beer: Moss Reports 3/6/2002

For more information about Beer: Dr. Mercola 2/12/2005

For more information about Beer: Dr. Mercola 8/20/2005

For more information about Beer: May Fight Prostate Cancer