
Alternatives For Stroke Prevention

Nutrition And Diet

Eat a well-balanced diet with an emphasis on fresh vegetables and fruits; lean, clean protein foods. This diet is important for the health of the blood vessels. It also ensures that you receive an abundant supply of important vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients (antioxidant compounds in plants) that fight free-radical damage and help increase the oxygenation of tissues, including those of the brain.

Make sure that your diet includes the blue and purple fruits and vegetables, such as concord grapes, eggplant, and red cabbage. These foods contain pigments called anthocyanidins. The anthocyanidins in wine grapes are believed to help lower the risk of stroke (and heart attack).

Fruits and vegetables contain antioxidants that counteract/prevent the damage from free radicals. One British study found that those who eat the most fruit experience 32 percent fewer strokes. A diet high in antioxidants helps prevent hemorrhagic as well as ischemic stroke. This reduces the likelihood of bleeding in the brain.

Enjoy carrots often. In a study of 87,000 nurses conducted by Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard University, subjects who ate five or more servings of carrots every week had a 68-percent lower risk of suffering a stroke compared with those who ate one serving a month or less.

Avoid saturated and hydrogenated fats. Eliminate dairy products (except for raw dairy products). Do not eat red meat more than 3 times per week. Avoid margarine, shortening and all fried foods. Saturated and hydrogenated fats raise cholesterol levels, especially that of LDL ("bad cholesterol") and promote the buildup of fatty plaques in the arteries.

Eat Foods Rich in Vitamin B: Fruits and vegetables, in addition to being rich in antioxidants, also contain generous supplies of vitamin B6 and folic acid. These B vitamins reduce levels of homocysteine. Homocysteine has been shown to increase the risk for stroke (and heart disease).

Spinach, carrots, peas, walnuts, sunflower seeds, fish (especially wild salmon and herring), chicken, and eggs are good source for vitamin B6. Foods rich in folic acid include spinach and other dark green leafy vegetables, broccoli, and asparagus.

Eat Plenty of Fish. Cold-water fish such as salmon, mackerel, and herring are the richest sources of beneficial omega-3 fatty acids, but most other fish and seafood contain some as well. Dutch researchers tracked the health, diet, and lifestyles of people in the Netherlands, for many years. They found that those who eat fish regularly have a lower rate of stroke than those who don't.

Add Foods Containing Alpha-Linolenic Acid. Alpha-Linolenic acid is an essential fatty acid that is similar to the health-enhancing omega-3 fatty acids found in fish. Alpha-Linolenic and omega-3 fatty acids help prevent the internal blood clots that trigger stroke. You can obtain Alpha-Linolenic acid from walnuts.

Incorporate foods Containing Potassium. Dietary potassium is known to help prevent high blood pressure. Researchers have found that it might help prevent stroke. The higher your blood potassium level, the lower your risk of stroke. Good food sources of potassium include fruits, vegetables, beans, poultry and fish.

Nutritional Supplements For Stroke Prevention

Exercise For Stroke

Research shows that physical activity helps prevent ischemic stroke. In one study, researchers found that people who engaged in moderate to high levels of exercise had less than half the stroke risk of people who engaged in low levels of exercise.

Evidence suggests that heavy workouts aren't necessary to get risk-reducing benefits for stroke. Walking, riding a bike, gardening, dancing, bowling, and working in the yard are just a few examples of activities that can produce an adequate workout. Studies have shown that the regularity of moderate physical activity is more important in controlling stroke than the intensity of the activity.

Several body-work techniques can help restore mobility, promote circulation, and ease muscle tension and stiffness associated with stroke. Among these are Qigong, Shiatsu, Massage, Yoga, Tai Chi, etc. Swimming in a heated pool is particularly useful for restoring lost motor function and keeping muscles loose.

Herbal Medicine For Stroke

If You Suspect A Person Had A Stroke:

Stroke Information: Natural News 1/21/2010 - Natural Form Of Vitamin E Protects The Brain After Stroke

Stroke Information: Natural News 5/8/2010 - Chocolate Can Help Prevent Strokes

Stroke Information: Natural News 9/14/2010 - Technique Helps Paralyzed Stroke Victims Regain Motor Function

Stroke Information: Natural News 12/16/2010 - Diet And Lifestyle Strategies Reduce Risk Of Stroke By Eighty %

Stroke Information: Natural News 1/4/2011 - Lipoic Acid & Antioxidants Lower Blood Pressure & Reduce Stroke Risk

Stroke Information: Natural News 9/19/2011 - Researchers Find Side Effect Free Natural Way To Slash Stroke Risk By Half

Stroke Information: Natural News 9/21/2011 - An Apple A Day Slashes Stroke Risk In Half, Study Finds

Stroke Information: Natural News 10/1/2011 - White Fruits Shown To Protect Against Stroke

Stroke Information: Natural News 10/23/2011 - Research Shows Apples Prevent Stroke

Stroke Information: Natural News 3/29/2012 - Citrus Fruit May Help Lower The Risk Of Stroke

Stroke Information: Natural News 10/2/2012 - Natural Treatment Found For Stroke Caused Brain Damage

Stroke Information: Natural News 10/11/2012 - Eat Tomatoes, Avoid A Stroke?

Stroke Information: Natural News 10/28/2012 - Eating Tomatoes Helps Prevent Strokes

Stroke Information: Dr. William Campbell Douglass II 12/27/2002 - Intravenous Magnesium

Stroke Information: The Cinderella Of Health Problems - 8/19/2006

Stroke Information: Dr. Mercola 5/28/2000 - Apples May Lower Risk

Stroke Information: Dr. Mercola 7/2/2000 - Oral Contraceptives & Low HDL Increase Risk

Stroke Information: Dr. Mercola 10/15/2000 - Vitamin C & Vegetables Lower Risk

Stroke Information: Dr. Mercola 10/29/2000 - Cough Medicine May Cause Stroke

Stroke Information: Dr. Mercola 12/3/2000 - Birth Control Increases Clot Risk

Stroke Information: Dr. Mercola 3/14/2001 - Bacterial Infections Linked

Stroke Information: Dr. Mercola 3/17/2001 - Cut Fat & Increase Your Risk

Stroke Information: Dr. Mercola 8/24/2006 - The Next Statin Scam

Stroke Information: Dr. Mercola 3/13/2008 - Strokes Triple Among Middle Aged Women

Stroke Information: Dr. Mercola 10/10/2011 - 3 Foods That Can Trigger A Stroke

Stroke Information: Dr. Mercola 11/1/2012 - Lycopene Linked To Reduced Stroke Risk

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