Alternative Autism Treatment:

The treatment regimen listed here is from Dr. Karima Hirani's web site.

It’s been approximately four years since I have been treating autism using this approach. I have to say, this is the most rewarding thing I have ever done in my life.

Among the things I use are the gluten free, casein free diet and approximately 60-70% of the kids respond to this diet. Sometimes it is to such a great degree, that the parents are more motivated to try my other recommendations.

B12 shots subcutaneously are another big success. I explain to the parents that there is no toxicity with B12 shots. The urine sometimes turns pink, but this is not a problem. It is given every 3 days or twice a week. It has now been scientifically explained why this shot works. It makes up for a potential defect in the folate cycle which is supposed to donate a methyl group to the methionine cycle in order to generate an amino acid called SAMe. This amino acid is the major methyl donor for the body and it helps facilitate DNA methylation, neurotransmitter synthesis, etc. So when the children improve globally from speech to improved cognition, we now know why. Occasionally a few kids will not tolerate the shots and become hyper. In this case we discontinue them and re attempt at a later date.

I also recommend complete nutritional testing, like amino acids, fatty acids, minerals, anti oxidants, oxidative stress markers and organic acids. Food allergy testing and stool test for parasites, yeast and bacteria is also recommended. With this extra vital information provided by these tests, I am able to better treat your child.

Finally, the newest protocol I have been using since June of 2004 is the one by Dr. Buttar (see this info under transdermal DMPS journal entry). It is a form of very low dose chelation applied every other day topically to the skin in order to facilitate the removal of mercury from the body of the child. I must say that I have to date approximately 30 kids started on it and about 90% of them are improving again globally. Two brothers improved so much so that they now made friends in school for the first time, and also grew an inch. This protocol is very safe and is closely monitored by me.

For Dr. Buttar Protocol: Click Here

So in conclusion, the above things are what I initially will recommend to prospective parents interested in the biomedical approach to treating their child who is on the autism spectrum disorder.

For more information on Autism: Karima Hirani, M.D., MPH.

For more information on Autism: Omega 3 Supplements

For more information on Autism: Dr. Mercola 2/25/2004

For more information on Autism: Dr. Mercola 5/26/2004

For more information on Autism: Dr. Mercola 6/23/2004

For more information on Autism: Dr. Mercola 6/26/2004

For more information on Autism: Dr. Mercola 8/28/2004

For more information on Autism: Dr. Mercola 5/4/2005

For more information on Autism: Dr. Mercola 3/23/2005

For more information on Autism: Dr. Mercola 4/2/2005

For more information on Autism: Dr. Mercola 3/14/2006

For more information on Autism: Dr. Mercola 5/4/2005

For more information on Autism: Dr. Mercola 5/19/2005

For more information on Autism: Dr. Mercola 6/7/2005

For more information on Autism: Dr. Mercola 6/25/2005

For more information on Autism: Dr. Mercola 3/21/2006 - Autism Rates Fall

For more information on Autism: Dr. Mercola 5/18/2006 - CDC Coverup

For more information on Autism: Dr. Mercola 6/3/2006 - Conventional Medicines Ignorance

For information on Essential Elements: Click Here

For more information, see Chelation Therapy

For more information: Chelation Therapy - British Columbia, Canada

For more information: Chelation Therapy - Ontario, Canada

For more information on Autism: David Kirby - Evidence Of Harm

For more information, see Detoxamin Suppositories.

For more information, see Medicardium Suppositories.