
Fluoride is toxic and is in your water.

Eleven Environmental Protection Agency employee unions representing more than 7,000 environmental and public health professionals have demanded that drinking water fluoridation programs across the country be discontinued. These unions, which represent laboratory scientists, regulatory support scientists and other EPA workers, have asked EPA management to recognize that fluoride poses a potentially serious cancer risk to people.

The unions’ call for a fluoride moratorium came after a Harvard School of Dental Medicine researcher allegedly covered up evidence linking fluoridation with an elevated risk of a fatal bone cancer in young boys. The unions sent letters to key Congressional committees asking Congress to legislate a moratorium on water fluoridation pending a review of the science on fluoridation’s risks and benefits. In the letters, the unions pointed to a substantial body of evidence linking fluoride to cancer including epidemiological studies similar to the Harvard study, animal studies, and biological reasons why fluoride can be expected to cause osteosarcoma, the bone cancer seen in young boys and test animals exposed to fluoride.

As further evidence, the unions discussed recent work by Richard Maas of the University of North Carolina’s Environmental Quality Institute, which found an association between increased lead levels in drinking water systems when silicofluoride fluoridating agents are combined with chloramines disinfectant.

In the letter to EPA Administrator Stephen Johnson, the unions asked him to issue a public warning in the form of an advanced notice of proposed rule making. This rule making would set the health-based drinking water standard for fluoride at zero, pending a recommendation from a National Academy of Sciences´ National Research Council committee in 2006.

The unions also asked Congress and EPA´s enforcement office, or the Department of Justice, to determine why the Harvard study director, Chester Douglass, failed to report the seven-fold increased risk of bone cancer experienced by boys exposed to fluoride in his studies, and why he instead wrote to the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (the federal agency that funded the Harvard study) saying there was no link between fluoridation and osteosarcoma. Douglass sent the same negative report to the National Research Council committee studying possible changes in EPA´s drinking water standards for fluoride.

One of fluoride’s negative effects is its ability to compete with iodine, a mineral essential for thyroid, breast and whole-body health. Increased iodine consumption helps expel fluoride from the body, but levels found in salt are not sufficient to replenish healthful supplies.

Anyone who wants to support the EPA unions’ recommendation to remove fluoride from the water supply can sign the petition available on The Protect Our Water Alliance website at http://www.powalliance.org/petition/. To sign the petition please click on the P.O.W.A. link to the right of this text.

For more information regarding fluoride: Click Here

For more information regarding fluoride: Click Here

For more information regarding fluoride: Moss Reports 10/1/2001 - Cancer

For more information regarding fluoride: Dr. Mercola 6/9/2004

For more information regarding fluoride: Dr. Mercola 6/12/2004

For more information regarding fluoride: Dr. Mercola 2/9/2005

For more information regarding fluoride: Dr. Mercola 6/28/2005

For more information regarding fluoride: Dr. Mercola 6/30/2005

For more information regarding fluoride: Dr. Mercola 8/2/2005

For more information regarding fluoride: Dr. Mercola 8/4/2005

For more information regarding fluoride: Dr. Mercola 9/17/2005

For more information regarding fluoride: Dr. Mercola 3/25/2006 - Movement Expanding

For more information regarding fluoride: Dr. Mercola 4/6/2006 - Fluoride Exposure

For more information regarding fluoride: Dr. Mercola 4/25/2006 - Bone Cancer

For more information regarding fluoride: Click Here.