
Study Released Linking Aspartame to Cancer

For those of you looking for scientific proof: A recently released study conclusively links aspartame to cancer. And the press release from the institute that conducted the study. Or download the entire study.

Are Synthetic Sweeteners Safe for Kids?

According to a new Grocery Manufacturers Association survey, almost half of all grocery shoppers now look for products with reduced sugar, and last year, the food industry introduced 2,225 no-sugar or low-sugar food products, including diet sodas, cereals, fruit juices, cookies, ice cream, bread, flavored milk, maple syrup and even bottled water.

With so many low-sugar foods available, the Feingold Association has found that many parents are increasingly concerned about whether synthetic sweeteners are safe for their children.

"I've never seen as much interest and confusion over sweeteners as I have recently," says Jane Hersey, the association's Director. New sweeteners are coming on the market, manufacturers are slugging it out, and most parents are having a hard time keeping track of what their options are. We're offering the 'real skinny' on these sweeteners." Read the entire article ...

FDA Audit - The Bressler Report

Jerome Bressler is now retired from the FDA but he was an employee when all the shenanigans were going on. In a conversation with Dr. Betty Martini, Dr. H. J. Roberts and Dr. Russell Blaylock, he admitted the studies on aspartame were so bad that when his report was retyped, the FDA removed the worst 20 percent. So, as bad as this report is, it was originally worse. Dr. Roberts wrote his congressman demanding the FDA release the other 20 percent, but they refused saying it was confidential. Read the FDA report.

This is a long report: The FDA Report

Scientific Abuse in Methanol / Formaldehyde Research Related to Aspartame

How did the [aspartame] manufacturer convince scientists and physicians that it is "safe" to be exposed regularly to low levels of an exceptionally toxic poison? Answer: Deceptive research and deceptive statements!. Read more ...

This is a long report: Deception

Sweet Misery Documentary Released

The documentary "Sweet Misery" reveals one of the most pervasive, insidious forms of corporate negligence in the history of the industrial revolution. The toxic, long-term effects of aspartame are often dismissed as a "hoax" by the sweetener industry. The real footwork, however, unravels something less comforting than a mere "hoax." "Sweet Misery" is a Sound and Fury Productions release.

The Truth About Aspartame.

For more information about Aspartame: Click Here

For more information about Aspartame: Dr. Jonatan V. Wright 2/28/2005

For more information about Aspartame: Dr. Mercola 11/10/2004

For more information about Aspartame: Dr. Mercola 11/17/2004

For more information about Aspartame: Dr. Mercola 11/20/2004

For more information about Aspartame: Dr. Mercola 12/1/2004

For more information about Aspartame: Dr. Mercola 8/4/2005

For more information about Aspartame: Dr. Mercola 10/6/2005 - Part I

For more information about Aspartame: Dr. Mercola 10/11/2005 - Part II

For more information about Aspartame: Dr. Mercola 10/18/2005 - Part III

For more information about Aspartame: Dr. Mercola 10/20/2005 - Life After

For more information about Aspartame: Dr. Mercola 10/22/2005 - Cancer Links

For more information about Aspartame: Dr. Mercola 4/4/2006 - Nutrasweet Causes Cancer

For more information about Aspartame: Dr. Mercola 5/4/2006 - Aspartame Toxicity