Eye Disorders:

Alternative treatments are most often used in conjunction with allopathic treatments, to increase positive outcomes and reduce risk of side effects from allopathic drugs. Do not self treat for any of these conditions without first consulting your eye care specialist to make sure you have a correct diagnosis and understand your treatment options.

Many Alternative treatments are not listed as "pharmaceutically" FDA approved treatments and will never be. There are billions of dollars pumped into TV, Radio And Print advertising of Pharmaceutical Drugs that pay back in MORE BILLIONS to the manufacturers. Many of these drugs help short term in acute conditions, but long term can poison you! Even though a bottle of Vitamin "C" does slow down the development of cataracts (and is very unlikely to ever cause a side effect) there is no "big money" in promoting it to you, so you will not likely see it "pushed" in advertising like profitable drugs. This is the truth behind many natural treatments such as herbal and vitamin supplements.

Arterial Hardening is a Systemic (whole body) medical problem that is "seen" through the eyes. It is a common cause of loss of vision as well as a cause of Stroke and Heart Attack. There are two major different types of hardening that we will differentiate briefly. The first type (arteriolar sclerosis) is a generalized change in which the entire length of arteries appears narrowed and stiffened. The second type (atherosclerotic plaque) is a focal or localized blockage in which narrowings are visible in small segements of the arteries. In either case, blockage can lead to serious consequences both in general health and in vision loss.

Cataracts are a loss of clarity of the natural lens within the eye. In today's American population, detectable changes begin frequently in 40's age group! This is NOT natural and should not be presumed to be normal. Cataracts are the leading cause of blindness in America, though they can be 'corrected' via surgery. Cataracts can be prevented and may be reversible via changes in lifestyle, nutrition and supplementation.

Conjuntiviits is an infection or inflammation of the exposed areas of the eye (the white part). It is very common because so many people often work or live together in closed environments. The "inflammation" type is often caused my chemicals or pollutants while the "infection" type is caused by bacterial infections or viruses. The infection often starts in one eye and spreads to the other and most forms are highly contagious. Because a Red Eye can be a sign of serious eye infections, it should not be ignored even though many types of conjunctivitis heal on their own in 7 - 10 days. Red eyes should be seen by an eye specialist and not a family doctor as the family doctor does not have the equipment to diagnose the serious forms.

Diabetic Retinopathy is just one manifestation of the diabetic state of ones body. Diabetes is a very destructive disease in that it damage circulation throughout the body. When that damage is in the eye, it often leads to blindness.

Dry Eye is one that lacks oils to keep the tears from evaporating. This condition rarely exists by itself. If it is by itself, it is often related to lid pathology. Often there are other symptoms of the body lacking appropriate oils. These other systemic signs are: arthritis, dry skin, dandruff, weak fingernails, Sjogrens Syndrome and Lupus.

Glaucoma is a group of diseases that cause the loss of peripheral vision. Because Glaucoma has no symptoms it may go unnoticed until it is too late to treat! Even though you would expect to notice a loss of peripheral (side) vision, you usually do not! This is because it is a gradual loss of sensitivity to light at first. Later as the loss progresses, you are still unaware of it as what you are blind to, your brain ignores. Glaucoma usually is a slowly progressing disease, if untreated. There is one type that is Acute and requires immediate care. The acute form HAS symptoms. In the acute form, the vision becomes hazy like looking through smoke or steam, there are halos around lights, the white of the eye often appears red and there may be a severe headache like pain. This Acute or Closed Angle glaucoma needs to be treated Immediately. If Glaucoma is untreated it can cause total blindness.

Herpes Zoster Ophthalmicus (HZO) is an infection caused by the varicella-zoster virus (Chicken Pox). These infections may affect the eyelids and surrounding skin and may cause keratoconjunctivitis (pink eye like symptoms). This ocular disease may be divided into 3 phases: acute, chronic, and relapsing.

Macular degeneration is a loss nerve cells in the yellow center of vision. With macular degeneration, peripheral vision is maintained but central vision is lost. As a result the you may lose the ability to read, recognize faces, drive a car, see TV, etc. There are two types of macular degeneration.

Uveitis is an inflammation of the iris which may include the ciliary body. In uveitis, white blood cells and excess protein that leak from the small blood vessels inside the eye, float into the fluid between the iris and the cornea.

There are more than forty named disorders of the eye. Some disorders are very serious and can lead to blindness. When any vision changes occur, it it best to see an alternative doctor, for treatment or a referal to an Ophthalmologist.

For more Information on all eye disorders, click on: This Link

Bilberry is known for its ability to help nourish and repair the tiny capillaries within the eye. In addition, the bilberry bioflavonoids are beneficial to the connective tissue that lines blood vessels and binds ligaments throughout the body.

Check out this eye chart for: Macular Degeneration

For more information on Eye Disorders: Dr. Mercola 10/27/2005 - Dry Eyes

For more information on Eye Disorders: Dr. Mercola 12/15/2005 - Lying Eyes

For more information on Eye Disorders: Dr. Mercola 2/4/2006 - Viagra

For more information on Eye Disorders: Dr. Mercola 2/9/2006 - Color Blind Test

For more information on Eye Disorders: Dr. Mercola 5/4/2006 - Eye Fungus

For more information on Eye Disorders: Dr. Mercola 5/4/2006 - Eye Fungus II

For more information on Eye Disorders: Dr. Mercola 5/25/2006 - Vision Problems

For more information on Eye Disorders: Dr. Mercola 5/30/2006 - Blinding Fungal Infections

For more information on Eye Disorders: National Institute Of Health 10/12/2001 - Vitamins / Antioxidants

For more information on Eye Disorders: Glaucoma Research Foundation

For more information on Eye Disorders: International Myopia Prevention Association

For a free Eye Excercise Booklet: Dr. Grossman