
The Following Article Is By Jon Barron Dated July 18, 2005

Why Do We Get Depressed In The First Place?

Depression is the body's way of forcing us to recognize that something is wrong. For a simplified explanation, if you set your hand on a hot burner, it burns the skin and sends painful signals to the brain, reminding us to remove our hand. Similarly, when we suffer a deeply emotional trauma or situation, the brain tells us to fix the problem and sends your brain "alerts" through a series of emotion reactions, one being depression. If the alerts continue, one can fall deeper into a depressed state until action is taken to prevent further emotional trauma.

It seems, however, that today's psychiatric community is too "impatient" to encourage us to go through this process naturally. According to health experts, they now define "major depression" as someone having "the blues" for more than two weeks. Right!! If anyone has had a death in the family, a major illness, a mid-sized financial set-back, or an emotional break-up -- which includes the entire population -- then according to health experts, all of us should be on antidepressant drugs at some point in our lives. (Geez, that should be good for sales.) The bottom line is that getting over a major life-altering situation in just two weeks is the exception rather than the rule.

Hey, if any of you are on antidepressants, or were at some time, it's not hard to understand why. Doctors and the mass media scare us with their statements such as "depression is associated with abnormal functioning of the brain." We are then bombarded with all the details about the deficient neurotransmitters in the brain and our dysfunctional synaptic cleft. Ahh! "Sounds like brain damage. Sure, give me some pills, quickly!" Wait a minute. They forgot to explain that we still have no conclusive evidence as to why people have the chemical imbalances in the first place. Did our brain just suddenly change or were there outside circumstances that caused it? Did our thoughts, reactions, and emotions cause the imbalance? Were nutritional factors involved? Did we suddenly experience a major hormonal change such as PMS or Post Partum Depression? If so, nine times out of ten there are other remedies available besides drugs -- remedies that do not share the devastating side effects associated with those drugs.

Instead of automatically popping a pill when we are sad, perhaps we should find ways to correct the underlying problem in our bodies so it can heal itself. It may take a true leap of faith, especially when the mind wants to focus on the negative, but the success after the fight of making ourselves content might be worth it. As some say, being happy is a choice! The more you work at it, the better you get.

I want to reiterate that this does not mean we should look at any problem as insignificant or that ignoring a feeling of sadness, confusion, exhaustion, or lack of interest in daily activities is going to make the feelings go away. Actually, ignoring depression could simply exacerbate the problem. An emotional injury is like a physical injury: it takes time and attention to heal. A walk on the beach, a laugh with a friend, or simply taking a deep breath can go a long way. We can also follow certain, more natural remedies to help our bodies heal. These include dietary modifications, daily exercise, supportive treatment with vitamins and minerals, and selective supplementation.

Vitamin And Mineral Therapy

Vitamin and mineral deficiencies can cause depression and correcting these deficiencies is often a safe, fast, and inexpensive way to relieving depression. Note: alcohol, smoking, stress, and excess sugar accelerate the depletion of many key antidepressive vitamins and minerals from the body, as does depression itself. Isn't that a kick in the head: depression begets depression? Deficiencies in any of the following vitamins and minerals can contribute significantly to depression:

Amino Acids

Supplementing with amino acids is also a way to help relieve depression. These include:

Herbal Remedies

For the vast majority of people bothered by stress or depression, a well designed herbal formula made from high quality herbs can prove remarkably effective. Look for an herbal formula that contains herbs such as:

More than 20 clinical studies have been completed using several different St. John's wort extracts. Most have shown antidepressant action equal to standard prescription antidepressant drugs, without the side effects. St. John's Wart is now being studied in the first U.S. government-sanctioned clinical trial, a three-year study sponsored by the Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, based in Washington, D.C.

Probably the greatest testament to its efficacy is how it has been attacked in the press as "dangerous." The case against it is that it seems to heighten the dangers associated with MAO1 inhibitors, if you are currently using such drugs. But this is a marvelous piece of propaganda double-speak that transfers the danger from the antidepressants, where they belong, to St. John's wort, which merely brings those dangers to the fore. George Orwell would be proud!

And Let's Not Forget About Bio-Identical Hormones And The Role They Play In Your Health.

Bio-Identical Progesterone

This is particularly important since women experience clinical depression twice as often as men. Over the years I have been recommending progesterone créme to women, it has picked up the nickname from many of them: "The Happy Créme." Any time progesterone levels drop such as during the monthly cycle, immediately after giving birth, or all the time if you are in a state of estrogen dominance, depression is a likely result. Using a good progesterone cr'me can provide an almost instant turnaround in attitude.

And while we are on the subject, lets talk about post partum depression. Its real. During the weeks leading up to birth, progesterone levels have soared to levels 10 to 20 times normal. No wonder women seem to glow during pregnancy. But immediately after birth, progesterone levels plunge to almost zero. No wonder so many women experience extreme, even psychotic levels of depression. Simple supplementation with progesterone créme will resolve the depression over 90% of the time. In fact, any doctor who recommends antidepressants for post partum depression without trying progesterone créme first, should be named as an unindicted co conspirator since they truly share the blame for any psychotic incidents that may result.

Bio-Identical Testosterone

A growing body of evidence suggests that testosterone levels drop as much as 40% in men between their early 40s and early 70s. And for 10 to 15 percent of all men, those levels will dip below normal even as early as their 30s if there is stress, depression, personal life changes or medications. This in turn causes a decrease, not only in sexual desire and performance, but also in the competitive drive to succeed and accomplish in life -- which is frequently experienced as depression. In women, excessive estrogen in the body causes a reduction in testosterone levels, which leads to a similar decline in sexual desire and performance and a similar reduction in "life drive." Again, frequently experienced as depression.

In conclusion, depression can be common, but should not be taken lightly. A good, healthy program of daily exercise (which stimulates endorphins), low sugar foods, replacing depleted vitamins and minerals, and proper supplementation can go a long way to helping us feel better. And, it is not a bad idea to tell friends and family who have kids on antidepressants that simple dietary changes and supplementation may be all that's needed. Lastly, the mind is a powerful tool, and for those who are going through hard times, and if you haven't already done so, you might want to read Chapter 15 of Lessons from the Miracle Doctors (you can download a free copy at to see how you can reprogram the mind so that it more positively affects your body. And no matter what happens, remember: bad times eventually pass!

Depression Information: Jon Barron 9/8/2011 - Depression

Depression Information: Natural News 7/29/2010 - Forget The Drugs, Treat Depression Naturally

Depression Information: Natural News 6/3/2011 - Depression Has More Than One Cause

Depression Information: Natural News 1/27/2012 - New Studies Reveal Caffeinated Coffee Protects Against Depression

Depression Information: Natural News 4/4/2012 - Five Great Herbs For Fighting Depression Naturally

Depression Information: Natural News 9/10/2012 - Forget Prozac - Try Probiotics To Ease Anxiety, Curb Depression And Elevate Mood

Depression Information: Dr. Mercola 1998 - Sleep Pattern May Indicate Depression

Depression Information: Dr. Mercola 1999 - Low Cholesterol Linked

Depression Information: Dr. Mercola 1/2/2000 - Implant Nerve Stimulator

Depression Information: Dr. Mercola 2/27/2000 - Depression And Seizures

Depression Information: Dr. Mercola 3/26/2000 - Low Cholesterol Linked To Depression

Depression Information: Dr. Mercola 8/20/2000 - Religion And Depression

Depression Information: Dr. Mercola 10/15/2000 - Exercise Better Than Drugs

Depression Information: Dr. Mercola 12/31/2000 - Accutane Link To Depression

Depression Information: Dr. Mercola 1/14/2001 - Low Cholesterol Causes Depression

Depression Information: Dr. Mercola 2/7/2001 - Synchronizing Light To Treat

Depression Information: Dr. Mercola 3/14/2001 - Once-Weekly Prozac

Depression Information: Dr. Mercola 3/31/2001 - Exercise Better Than Drugs

Depression Information: Dr. Mercola 4/11/2001 - Exercise Better Than Drugs

Depression Information: Dr. Mercola 4/28/2001 - St. John's Wort Ineffective

Depression Information: Dr. Mercola 10/6/2001 - Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Depression Information: Dr. Mercola 11/1/2001 - Can Cause Heart Attacks

Depression Information: Dr. Mercola 1/5/2002 - Winter Depression Linked With Melatonin

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Depression Information: Dr. Mercola 1/19/2002 - Depression Affects The Immune System

Depression Information: Dr. Mercola 1/26/2002 - Exercise Good For Depression

Depression Information: Dr. Mercola 1/30/2002 - Depression After Unintended Pregnancy

Depression Information: Dr. Mercola 5/4/2002 - Light Therapy Useful

Depression Information: Dr. Mercola 5/18/2002 - Mom's Depression Affects Her Infant

Depression Information: Dr. Mercola 6/5/2002 - Signs And Symptoms Of Depression

Depression Information: Dr. Mercola 6/5/2002 - Doctors Miss Half

Depression Information: Dr. Mercola 7/2/2002 - Importance Of Folic Acid

Depression Information: Dr. Mercola 7/24/2002 - Depression Relief

Depression Information: Dr. Mercola 8/28/2002 - Drug Treatment Is Dead Wrong

Depression Information: Dr. Mercola 11/2/2002 - Consider Fish Oil

Depression Information: Dr. Mercola 11/9/2002 - Chemical Sensitivity

Depression Information: Dr. Mercola 11/16/2002 - Increases Your Heart Disease Risk

Depression Information: Dr. Mercola 12/11/2002 - Treatment Options

Depression Information: Dr. Mercola 12/21/2002 - Interferon Linked To Depression

Depression Information: Dr. Mercola 12/28/2002 - Winter Blues

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Depression Information: Dr. Mercola 3/12/2003 - Zyban Anti-Smoking Drug Linked to Suicide

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Depression Information: Dr. Mercola 6/4/2003 - Fish Oil In Pregnancy

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Depression Information: Dr. Mercola 8/23/2003 - New Warnings On Antidepressants

Depression Information: Dr. Mercola 1/17/2004 - Winter Depression

Depression Information: Dr. Mercola 2/14/2004 - Omega-3 Fatty Acids And Depression

Depression Information: Dr. Mercola 5/15/2004 - Prozac In Pregnancy Toxic To Fetus

Depression Information: Dr. Mercola 6/19/2004 - Is Yeast a Missing Link?

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Depression Information: Dr. Mercola 11/24/2004 - Omega-3 Studies Find Links

Depression Information: Dr. Mercola 12/4/2004 - Depression Rewires The Brain

Depression Information: Dr. Mercola 1/15/2005 - Sugar And Grains Increase Depression

Depression Information: Dr. Mercola 2/2/2005 - Try Shedding Some Light

Depression Information: Dr. Mercola 2/12/2005 - Best Kept Secret For Treating

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Depression Information: Dr. Mercola 11/22/2005 - Treating Depression

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Depression Information: Dr. Mercola 12/10/2005 - You Can Overcome SAD

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Depression Information: Dr. Mercola 5/30/2006 - Paxil Warning Letter

Depression Information: Dr. Mercola 11/15/2008 - How To Fend Off Depression In Winter

Depression Information: Dr. Mercola 7/10/2010 - Is Exercise The Best Drug For Depression?

Depression Information: Dr. Mercola 1/26/2011 - Light Therapy Promising For Treating Major Depression

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