
Gout is a type of arthritis that flares periodically, so the pain of gout is experienced as an attack. Gout attacks usually appear with no warning and leave sufferers in severe pain. Gout is one of the most painful medical conditions. It's been compared with childbirth and bone fractures. Gout attacks usually last from 3 to 10 days and can cause severe pain, tenderness, redness, and swelling in an affected joint. These are all signs of inflammation, so gout is sometimes called an Inflammatory Arthritis.

Even though a gout attack may come on suddenly, its underlying cause may always be there festering below the surface. The underlying cause is an excess of a waste product in your blood called Uric Acid. Many people have excess uric acid and most do not get gout. But if you have periodic gout attacks, research has shown that your risk of having future episodes goes up with the level of uric acid in your blood.

You experience the pain of gout when the excess uric acid forms small crystals that deposit in your joints, causing your body to respond with inflammation and pain, in these areas. If you have gout, you might have attacks as long as there are uric acid crystals remaining in your body. Also, if left untreated, uric acid crystals may form large deposits, in and around joints. These large deposits (pronounced Tophi) may cause long term joint damage. However, with proper treatment, most people with gout are able to control their symptoms. By lowering your uric acid level, and keeping it low, you may be able to stop crystals from forming and protect yourself against attacks.

Gout Is Caused By Over-Consumption Of Acid Forming Foods
With A PH Of 5.0 To 5.5 As Follows:

Some Alternative Treatments Are As Follows:

Some things like your weight, family history of gout or arthritis, body pH, underlying medical conditions, etc. Understanding all these contributory factors as well as available alternative treatments will ensure that you are better placed to get rid of your pain and prevent your gout returning. Prevention is particularly important since frequently recurring gout attacks can end up in permanently damaged joints.

Gout Information: Dr. Mercola 12/9/2008 - Eliminate Gout Without Dangerous Drugs

Gout Information: Natural News 4/26/2009 - Vitamin C Prevents Gout

Gout Information: Natural News 1/11/2010 - Got Gout: Try These Natural Therapies

Gout Information: Natural News 1/17/2010 - Natural Remedies Help Gout

Gout Information: Natural News 1/18/2010 - Use Homeopathic Gout Remedies: Colchicum, Ledum, Nux Vomica And Aconite

Gout Information: Natural News 11/15/2010 - High Fructose Beverages Tied To Gout

Gout Information: Natural News 11/24/2010 - Regular Intake Of Fructose Increases Risk Of Gout In Women

Gout Information: Natural News 12/30/2010 - Gout Herbal Remedies - Alleviate Gout Symptoms Naturally

Gout Information: Natural News 2/26/2011 - New Study Proves That Drinking Soda Causes Gout

Gout Information: Natural News 3/15/2011 - Seek A Drugless Approach To This Painful Condition

Gout Information: Natural News 12/24/2011 - Seven Ways To End Joint Pain, Arthritis And Gout Using Cherries

Gout Information: Natural News 1/16/2012 - Cherries Can Help Reverse Gout And Arthritis Inflammation

Gout Information: Dr. Mercola 1/19/2010 - Five Steps To Overcoming Gout Naturally

Gout Information: Dr. Mercola 11/26/2010 - New Proof That Fruit Juice And Soda Increase Risk Of Gout

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