MSG (Mono Sodium Glutamate):

Identifying MSG sensitivity is extremely difficult. The strangle-hold that chemical, food, drug, cosmetic, fertilizer, and pesticide industries have on the lives of Americans are nowhere better illustrated than in the glutamate industry's ability to guarantee the unrestricted use of processed free glutamic acid (MSG). These industrial giants have promoted the fiction that the pollutants and carcinogens poured into our food, drugs, cosmetics, fertilizers, and pesticides are not pollutants and carcinogens. They, through their wealth and positions of power, are ultimately responsible for medical school curricula that minimize the extent of the toxic effects of certain pollutants and carcinogens -- and for physicians' failure to look to these pollutants and carcinogens as a basis for much of the disease that currently plagues us. It is they who make generous contributions to universities and medical schools that carry out their research designs. It is they who send friendly scientists on junkets around the world. It is they who are directly responsible for the refusal of the United States government to regulate the use of processed free glutamic acid (MSG) in food.

There is no straightforward way to identify MSG in food, drugs, cosmetics, or dietary supplements. So a consumer may have an MSG-induced adverse reaction, but, since MSG in food, drugs, cosmetics, and dietary supplements is not identified as such, the consumer may not realize that (s)he has come into contact with MSG.

Making matters worse, the "glutes" have sold the medical community on the fiction that reactions to MSG are allergic reactions--which is not true. The "glutes" urge physicians to give allergy tests to people who might be MSG-sensitive, knowing full well that the MSG adverse reaction is a reaction to a toxin, not a reaction to an allergenic substance, and, as such, is not IgE mediated. Traditional allergy tests only identify reactions that are IgE mediated. The only way to determine if a person is sensitive to MSG is to feed MSG to that person and observe him or her for as long a 48 hours after feeding; or to have the person keep a record of food, drug, cosmetic, and dietary supplement use and MSG reactions. Learning to pinpoint MSG as a reaction trigger, recognizing reactions that might be MSG-induced adverse reactions, and understanding where MSG is hidden in food, are essential to recognizing or diagnosing MSG-induced adverse reactions.

Its ever-expanding use by the food industry causes great concern in the medical profession because MSG overstimulates brain cell activity. It is neither a necessary additive, nor a harmless flavor enhancer like common table salt. MSG actually tricks your brain into thinking the food you are eating tastes good. Manufacturers can therefore use inferior ingredients to make a mediocre product seem tastier. Higher profits and low-quality products of little nutritional value prevail at the expense of consumer health.

MSG intolerance is not an allergic reaction, but a powerful drug reaction. Even in those people who do not suffer acute, immediate reactions to the substance, prolonged or acute exposure will destroy brain cells in anyone.

Many foods, such as soybeans and tomatoes, contain naturally high levels of free glutamate, which may cause MSG reactions in particularly sensitive individuals. The processed form—monosodium glutamate—is the sodium salt of glutamic acid, and it is the highly refined substance (which actually looks a lot like table salt) that is added in huge quantities to most processed foods at manufacturing facilities. Restaurants also frequently add MSG to their menu items. Many that advertise “No MSG added” may not add MSG to the food once it is prepared, but MSG may actually be present in the individual ingredients used to prepare their food.

For more information about MSG: Dr. Weston A. Price, Foundation

For more information about MSG: Death By MSG

For more information about MSG: Sensitivities

For more information about MSG: Adverse Reactions

For more information about MSG: Where Is MSG Hidden?

For more information about MSG: Hidden Names For MSG

For more information about MSG: Headaches

For more information about MSG: MSG Myth

For more information about MSG: Dr. Mercola - McDonalds