Wound Healing Remedies:

Alternative medicine is nothing new to wound care practitioners. The history of wound care is replete with examples of alternative practices. Numerous case reports in the literature, for example, describe wound treatment with various substances such as honey, sugar, iodine, and meat tenderizer. Reports on maggot therapy continue to appear in the literature, yet this therapy has failed to maintain a position as "clinically accepted" in this country, mainly because of aesthetics.

Seaweed, aloe vera, and other plant products have become standard ingredients impregnated into various wound dressings, which are approved for use by the FDA. Paradoxically, FDA approval is not required when these substances are sold over-the-counter, as they are not considered to be pharmaceuticals. In addtion, FDA approved medications, including Maalox and Dilantin have been used off-label by practitioners to manage wounds.

In recent times, electrical stimulation and magnetic therapies have emerged as accepted modalities in the treatment of chronic wounds; acupuncture and electroacupuncture have also gained a following. Massage therapy has been advocated as a treatment strategy for a number of chronic conditions, and there is research to back up some of the claims. However, according to the clinical practice guidelines on pressure ulcers published by the Agency for Health Care Policy and Research, massage is not recommended in the treatment of pressure ulcers. Interestingly, the evidence to support this "nonrecommendation" is lacking.

Deep Thermal Burns

Serious burns should always be treated by a medical doctor. Less serious burns may benefit from a variety of alternative treatments. Some herbs that can be used to treat burns include aloe, oil of St. John's wort, calendula, comfrey, and tea tree oil. Supplementing one's diet with vitamins C and E and the mineral zinc may help a wound to heal faster. Third degree burns have to heal from the bone up to the surface, and must be prevented from scabbing over until all necessary tissue has regenerated. This process may take several months. Antibacterial creams like(1% Silver Sulfide and Panafil Ointment), are used to keep the wound open at the top, while underlying tissue regenerates

Minor Thermal Burns

If the skin is unbroken, run cool water over the area of the burn or soak it in a cool water bath (not ice water). Keep the area submerged for at least 5 minutes. A clean, cold, wet towel will also help reduce pain. After flushing or soaking, cover the burn with a dry, sterile bandage or clean dressing. Minor burns will usually heal without further treatment. However, if a second-degree burn covers an area more than 2 to 3 inches in diameter, or if it is located on the hands, feet, face, groin, buttocks, or a major joint, treat the burn as a major burn.

Laceration Wound

A laceration is a wound that is produced by the tearing of soft body tissue. This type of wound is often irregular and jagged. A laceration wound is often contaminated with bacteria and debris from whatever object caused the cut.

Minor Cuts

To treat a minor cut at home first wash your hands thoroughly with soap to avoid infection. Next wash the cut with mild soap and water.

Puncture Wound

A puncture wound is usually caused by a sharp pointy object such as a nail, animal teeth, or a tack. This type of wound usually does not bleed excessively and can appear to close up. Puncture wounds are also prone to infection and should be treated appropriately.

Snake Bite

Poisonous snake bites are medical emergencies and require immediate attention. The bite of a snake can cause severe local tissue damage and often requires follow-up care. The right anti-venom can save a person's life. Even though most snakes are not poisonous, avoid picking up or playing with any snake unless you have been properly trained.


Stitches are primarily used if the cut is more that a quarter inch deep, is on the face, or reaches bone. Stitches help hold the wound together so it can heal properly. Stitches are removed between 3 to 14 days after they are put depending upon which area of the body was injured. Stitches on the face can be removed within 3 to 5 days but areas of high stress such as hands, elbows, and knees must stay in 10 to 14 days.

Wound Healing Information: Dr. Ben Kim 2/26/2007 - How To Treat Different Types Of Bleeding

Wound Healing Information: Dr. Mercola 1/9/2000 - New Wound Dressing

Wound Healing Information: Dr. Mercola 10/15/2000 - Maggot Therapy

Wound Healing Information: Dr. Mercola 11/7/2001 - Stress Worsens Your Immune System

Wound Healing Information: Dr. Mercola 7/17/2002 - Glue Your Hair Together For Scalp Wounds

Wound Healing Information: Dr. Mercola 8/21/2002 - Small Hand Wounds

Wound Healing Information: Dr. Mercola 12/28/2006 - Insulin

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