Baking Soda:

From Natural News Article
Dated June 30, 2010
By Paul Fassa
Edited To Fit This Format

Baking Soda Offers Many Miraculous And Mundane Uses

A simple inexpensive substance, one that is found on grocery shelves and in many homes, has been rediscovered over recent years as a useful remedy or remedy adjunct for a variety of ailments and chronic diseases. That substance is bicarbonate of soda, or baking soda, not to be confused with baking powder. Baking powder contains aluminum, which is toxic.

During the early 20th Century, baking soda was prescribed for flus and colds and other common problems. It eventually faded into obscurity as a medicine until people like Doctors Mark Sircus and Tullio Simoncini began using it to cure cancer during the last few years!

Miraculous Uses

Bicarbonate of Soda (NaHCO3) is a naturally occurring substance throughout the world. It was discovered around 1840 and its cleaning action was noticed immediately. Medicinally it was soon discovered to help stem flus and colds. This is mostly attributed to baking soda's high pH value. Low pH or acidity always leads to bad health or disease. A little above a pH rating of seven is considered optimum, while going below a six rating means one is headed for health problems.

Mark Sircus has authored two editions of Sodium Bicarbonate: Rich Man's Poor Man's Cancer Treatment. He has administered baking soda for his patients orally and by IV. Dr. Simoncini is a Rome based oncologist who usually injects sodium bicarbonate directly into cancerous tumor areas. Both of them have had a lot of success with cancer patients. The fact that Candida exists in those same areas has lead Dr. Simoncini to conclude that yeast infections create cancer cells.

However, Dr. Sircus thinks the cancer causation issue is more complex than that. Nevertheless, he's discovered that late stage Candida yeast infections and cancer cells can be destroyed with bicarbonate of soda because of baking soda's ability to increase pH values and oxygenate fungi or tumors. Cancer cells cannot thrive in high pH or high oxygen levels. So whether fungal infections or cancer tumors come first is irrelevant.

An individual in California, inspired by Sircus, cured his stage 4 prostate cancer with bicarbonate of soda and black strap molasses taken orally and often, along with breathing exercises to increase his oxygen intake.

Mundane Uses

It's often sold as an air purifier inside of refrigerators. It also works as a deodorizer for carpets and other materials. It can be used for laundry, and mixed with vinegar it can be used as a household cleanser. With enough baking soda and cheap vinegar, clogged drains can be unblocked safely without toxic fumes from more expensive chemical drain clearing agents.

Throw away those nasty toxic underarm deodorants and shun those expensive organic deodorants with pure baking soda. Why bother with the same order of toothpastes when you can brush and clean your teeth with baking soda and common hydrogen peroxide (H2O2).

It still works to cure flus and colds for most people by taking a half or full teaspoonful with water and drinking it a couple of times a day for a few days. Baking soda in lemon water works for heartburn. Too much taken orally without lemon, molasses or maple syrup can neutralize stomach acids and hamper digestion.

Recent Research

It's been recently discovered by mainstream medical research that bicarbonate of soda softens cancer tumors up enough to get faster results with less chemotherapy or radiation than normally required. Dr. Mark Sircus, author of Sodium Bicarbonate: Rich Man's Poor Man's Cancer Treatment, has several applications for simple baking soda, including kidney ailment treatments among others.

Baking Soda Information: Natural News 10/2/2010 - Baking Soda Is A Super Household Aid

Baking Soda Information: Natural News 4/14/2011 - Baking Soda Remedy Shrinks Tumors

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