Nitric Oxide:

What Is Nitric Oxide?

Nitric Oxide Is A Natural Occuring Substance In The Body

Nitric Oxide (NO) is an important signaling molecule that acts in many tissues to regulate a diverse range of physiological and cellular processes. It's role was first discovered by several groups who were attempting to identify the agent responsible for promoting blood vessel relaxation and regulating vascular tone.

This agent was termed endothelium-derived relaxing factor (EDRF), and was initially assumed to be a protein like most other signaling molecules. The discovery that EDRF was in fact Nitric Oxide - a highly reactive gas - has led to an explosion of interest in this field, resulted in over 60,000 papers published in the last ten years and won the Nobel prize in 1998.

Nitric Oxide has now been demonstrated to play a role in a variety of biological processes including neurotransmission, immune defense, the regulation of cell death and cell motility.

Nitric Oxide has now become an extremely popular bodybuilding supplement. Nitric Oxide is the muscle's "cell-signaling" molecule responsible for blood flow, oxygen delivery, glucose uptake, muscle velocity, power output, and muscle growth.

Making Nitric Oxide With L-Arginine

When L-Arginine and Nitric Oxide are combined together in the body, it helps the immune system fight viral, bacterial, and parasitic infections, as well as cancerous tumor cells. It has also been found to help increase proper functioning of the brain, improve memory, improve sleep habits, increase brain functionality and also help with depression.

L-Arginine and Nitric Oxide also prevents blood platelet cells from grouping together to form clots that would normally cause blockages in blood vessels, and it helps to reduce high blood pressure. Because of its ability to dilate blood vessels and improve blood flow, it has been proven to be an effective male enhancement remedy that helps men to get penile erections more easily. With the formation of enzymes through Nitric Oxide synthesis, this has lead to the ingenious creation of the drug Viagra, which is popularly used to create a better sexual experience. However, you don't need to buy Viagra. All you need is the L-Arginine supplement.

Aging is one factor that contributes to our body's deterioration. No matter who we are or what we do, there will come a time when we will grow old and begin to look old as well. This is a reality that no one can deny. The only thing we can do is stay as healthy as we can to avoid health problems that are commonly associated with bad eating habits and being exposed to the environment. By knowing more about what we can do to prevent being exposed to harmful toxins, we may have a chance to stay younger looking even in our old age.

Nitric Oxide can also be found in meat, cheese, milk, yogurt, and other types of proteins. Nitric Oxide that is found in the body is considered to be a very harmful free radical, if L-Arginine is not also present in the body. When Nitric Oxide is synthesized with the essential amino acid L-Arginine, it forms enzymes that are found in the endothelial cells of arteries and veins, the brain and the immune system, and it can surprisingly give you a healthier body.

Nitric Oxide is only a part of the powerful environmental pollutant which is found in exhaust fumes of cars. Not many people realize how toxic car exhaust really can be. It reacts with oxygen to produce smog and increases the risk of asthma. Power plants also discharge a part of Nitric Oxide into the air, which reacts with oxygen to create a corrosive gas called nitrogen dioxide. Nitrogen dioxide is converted to nitric acid, and it will eventually reach the ground when it rains. This is commonly called acid rain. Many countries are trying to put a stop to this environmental pollutant because it is poisonous to our natural resources.

Nitric Oxide Information: Natural News 4/4/2011 - Heart Rejuvenation - The Secret Ingredient

Nitric Oxide Information: Natural News 8/16/2011 - Find Health With Your Breath

Nitric Oxide Information: Natural News 12/11/2011 - Science Identifies Powerful Rejuvenating Substance - Nitric Oxide

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