TMJ Disorder:

An estimated 10 million Americans suffer fromTemporo-Mandibular Joint (TMJ). This is the joint that connects the bone that forms the sides of the skull with the jaw bone. This disorder can cause pain in the muscles and joints of the jaw and can sometimes radiate to the face, neck and shoulders.

Some Of The Symptoms Of TMJ Are:

The Most Common Underlying Causes Of TMJ Are:

TMJ Test As Follows:

Place your little fingers in your ears so that hearing is obstructed. Then slowly open and close your mouth. If you hear any clicking, poping or grinding noises, the jaw may be missaligned. If any of the above symptoms are present, see a qualified Doctor or Dentist.

For Adults With TMJ, The Followig Supplements May Be Helpful:

TMJ Information: Dr. Mercola 2/23/2002 - TMJ & Cranial Osteopathy Treatment

TMJ Information: Diet And Exercise Treatment

TMJ Information: Valuation/Diagnosis/Treatment of TMJ Cases

TMJ Information: Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Disorders

TMJ Information: TMJ Dysfunction

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