Sodium Bicarbinate:

Also Known As Baking Soda

Excerpted From An Article
By Dr. Mark Circus Ac., O.M.D.

Sodium Bicarbonate - Rich Man's Poor Man's Cancer Treatment

We have recently launched the second edition of the Sodium Bicarbonate E-book. The main thrust of the first edition was on the use of sodium bicarbonate for cancer treatment. This vastly expanded second edition extends coverage into important areas of kidney disease, diabetes, treatment of flu and the common cold, and other areas of general medicine. Truly sodium bicarbonate is a universal medicine that is nutritional as well as safe and is of help no matter what syndrome we are facing. You can purchace the E-book now at IMVA Publications. This authoritative volume is the only full medical review available on the subject.

Sodium bicarbonate (Baking Soda) is one of the most useful substances in the world of medicine. This site is a portal into the world of bicarbonate and how it can be used to promote health and help cure cancer, kidney disease and a wide range of acute and chronic illnesses. Sodium bicarbonate has been used for decades as an adjunct in chemotherapy and is used commonly in emergency room and intensive care wards around the world.

For more than a decade there has been work going on at the University of Arizona, using bicarbonate as a potential treatment for cancer. Sodium bicarbonate is a world class anti-fungal but its use is not limited to that effect. Solid tumor fungal infections are powerful, resist attack and adapt quite readily to pharmaceutical anti-fungal drugs. After all fungi love to chew on rocks and they eat mercury for breakfast so you got to hit them correctly in an all out frontal attack with sodium bicarbonate.

Sodium bicarbonate also dramatically slows the progress of chronic kidney disease. Sodium bicarbonate can be used safely at home orally and transdermally but should always be used with magnesium chloride for greatest effect in both cancer and kidney disease as well with asthma and diabetes. The two together make up The Ultimate Mitochondrial Cocktail.

Baking Soda - Every Cancer Patients Best Friend

Breast cancer cells

Cancer Cells Have A Lower PH Than Surrounding Tissue

As if it were not humiliating enough for orthodox oncologists to learn that the lowly chemical sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) is important in the treatment of cancer now they have to swallow the research pointing to the fact that bicarbonate can also be used to diagnose cancer in its earliest stages. Oncologists do understand and know that bicarbonate is necessary to protect their patients from the toxicity and harm done by highly toxic chemicals used in chemotherapy. They also know it is of extraordinary help to patients receiving radiation treatments protecting as it does the kidneys and other tissues of the body from radioactive damages.

Oncologists should also know that bicarbonate-induced extracellular alkalinization leads to significant improvements in the therapeutic effectiveness of certain chemo agents. A number of studies have shown that the extracellular PH in cancers is typically lower than that in normal tissue and that an acidic PH promotes invasive tumor growth in primary and metastatic cancers. The external PH of solid tumors is acidic as a consequence of increased metabolism of glucose and poor perfusion. Acid PH has been shown to stimulate tumor cell invasion and metastasis in vitro and in cells before tail vein injection in vivo.

Researchers have investigated the very reasonable assumption that increased systemic concentrations of PH buffers would lead to reduced intratumoral and peritumoral acidosis and, as a result, inhibit malignant growth. It has been shown that increased serum concentrations of the sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) can be achieved via oral intake. These researchers found that consequent reduction of tumor acid concentrations significantly reduces tumor growth and invasion without altering the PH of blood or normal tissues. [1]

Oral NaHCO3 selectively increased the PH of tumors and reduced the formation of spontaneous metastases in mouse models of metastatic breast cancer. NaHCO3 therapy also reduced the rate of lymph node involvement and significantly reduced the formation of hepatic metastases. Acid PH was shown to increase the release of active cathepsin B, an important matrix remodeling protease.[2]

We know that bicarbonate turns to CO2 easily when dissolved in water as it enters the stomach but few know that cancerous tissue turns bicarbonate into carbon dioxide. A few years ago a United Kingdom Cancer Research team found MRI scans were able to track changes in bicarbonate and therefore identify cancers even in the very early stages.

All cancer has a lower PH, meaning it is more acidic than surrounding tissue. Working with mice, the researchers boosted the MRI sensitivity more than 20,000 times. Using MRI, they looked to see how much of the tagged bicarbonate was converted into carbon dioxide within the tumor. In more acidic tumors, more bicarbonate is converted into carbon dioxide.

Lead researcher Professor Kevin Brindle, from Cancer Research UK’s Cambridge Research Institute at the University of Cambridge, said: "This technique could be used as a highly-sensitive early warning system for the signs of cancer. By exploiting the body's natural PH balancing system, we have found a potentially safe way of measuring PH to see what's going on inside patients. MRI can pick up on the abnormal PH levels found in cancer and it is possible that this could be used to pinpoint where the disease is present and when it is responding to treatment."

Special Note: In Sodium Bicarbonate & Rich Man's Poor Man's Cancer Treatment it is stressed that sodium bicarbonate is not a standalone single shot cancer treatment. It should always be used in conjunction with a full protocol that includes most importantly magnesium chloride, iodine and selenium plus a naturopathic approach to diet, intestinal cleaning, sun exposure and many other helpful things.

[1] Cancer Research 69, 2677, March 15, 2009. Published Online First March 10, 2009;
doi: 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-08-2394

[2] Cancer Res 2009;69(6):2260-8

From Natural News Article
Dated June 30, 2010
By Paul Fassa
Edited To Fit This Format

Baking Soda Offers Many Miraculous And Mundane Uses

A simple inexpensive substance, one that is found on grocery shelves and in many homes, has been rediscovered over recent years as a useful remedy or remedy adjunct for a variety of ailments and chronic diseases. That substance is bicarbonate of soda, or baking soda, not to be confused with baking powder. Baking powder contains aluminum, which is toxic.

During the early 20th Century, baking soda was prescribed for flus and colds and other common problems. It eventually faded into obscurity as a medicine until people like Doctors Mark Sircus and Tullio Simoncini began using it to cure cancer during the last few years!

Miraculous Uses

Bicarbonate of Soda (NaHCO3) is a naturally occurring substance throughout the world. It was discovered around 1840 and its cleaning action was noticed immediately. Medicinally it was soon discovered to help stem flus and colds. This is mostly attributed to baking soda's high pH value. Low pH or acidity always leads to bad health or disease. A little above a pH rating of seven is considered optimum, while going below a six rating means one is headed for health problems.

Mark Sircus has authored two editions of Sodium Bicarbonate: Rich Man's Poor Man's Cancer Treatment. He has administered baking soda for his patients orally and by IV. Dr. Simoncini is a Rome based oncologist who usually injects sodium bicarbonate directly into cancerous tumor areas. Both of them have had a lot of success with cancer patients. The fact that Candida exists in those same areas has lead Dr. Simoncini to conclude that yeast infections create cancer cells.

However, Dr. Sircus thinks the cancer causation issue is more complex than that. Nevertheless, he's discovered that late stage Candida yeast infections and cancer cells can be destroyed with bicarbonate of soda because of baking soda's ability to increase pH values and oxygenate fungi or tumors. Cancer cells cannot thrive in high pH or high oxygen levels. So whether fungal infections or cancer tumors come first is irrelevant.

An individual in California, inspired by Sircus, cured his stage 4 prostate cancer with bicarbonate of soda and black strap molasses taken orally and often, along with breathing exercises to increase his oxygen intake.

Mundane Uses

It's often sold as an air purifier inside of refrigerators. It also works as a deodorizer for carpets and other materials. It can be used for laundry, and mixed with vinegar it can be used as a household cleanser. With enough baking soda and cheap vinegar, clogged drains can be unblocked safely without toxic fumes from more expensive chemical drain clearing agents.

Throw away those nasty toxic underarm deodorants and shun those expensive organic deodorants with pure baking soda. Why bother with the same order of toothpastes when you can brush and clean your teeth with baking soda and common hydrogen peroxide (H2O2).

It still works to cure flus and colds for most people by taking a half or full teaspoonful with water and drinking it a couple of times a day for a few days. Baking soda in lemon water works for heartburn. Too much taken orally without lemon, molasses or maple syrup can neutralize stomach acids and hamper digestion.

Recent Research

It's been recently discovered by mainstream medical research that bicarbonate of soda softens cancer tumors up enough to get faster results with less chemotherapy or radiation than normally required. Dr. Mark Sircus, author of Sodium Bicarbonate: Rich Man's Poor Man's Cancer Treatment, has several applications for simple baking soda, including kidney ailment treatments among others.

Baking Soda Information: Natural News 10/2/2010 - Baking Soda Is A Super Household Aid

Baking Soda Information: Natural News 4/14/2011 - Baking Soda Remedy Shrinks Tumors

Baking Soda Information: Natural News 5/16/2012 - Baking Soda, Cancer And Fungus

Baking Soda Information: Natural News 6/4/2012 - Do It Yourself Home Remedies And Old Wives Cures Using Baking Soda

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