Natural Aspirin:

White Willow Bark - Natural Aspirin

The Bark of the common Willow Tree, also known as the Pussy Willow, is the source of a wide range of Phenolic Glycosides, Salicin being the most IMPORTANT! Like Aspirin, indications for Willow Bark include mild feverish Colds and Infections (Influenza), Acute and Chronic Rheumatic Disorders, mild Headaches, and Pain caused by Inflammation.

White Willow Bark's (Aspirin) History dates back to the 5th Century BC, when the Greek Physician Hippocrates used an Extract of White Willow Bark, containing a Natural Aspirin-like chemical for Pain Relief and Fever Reduction.

It is used today to break Fevers, soothe Headaches, and reduce Pain and Swelling in Arthritic Joints. White Willow Bark is also beneficial for Infections, Heartburn, Cancer, and Neuralgia. It is used in Dyspepsia connected with the debility of the digestive organs. In convalescence from Acute Diseases, in Worms, Chronic Diarrhea and Dysentery, it's Tonic and Astringent Combination renders it very USEFUL! As an Astringent, it has also been recommended for Internal Bleeding and as a Diuretic for Gouty and Rheumatic Problems. White Willow Bark is also very useful in Acute Phases and for Muscle Pains. Some reports also hint, that White Willow Bark reduces Blood Sugar Level and inhibits the production of Prostaglandins, that cause Cramping in Females.

In many studies performed in Denmark, this herb has been used with Thermogenic herbs like Ephedra to document the effectiveness in Weight Loss. This Aspirin and Aspirin-like Compound, containing Herb has been extensively studied and has established its Anti-Inflammatory and Immune-Boosting Bioactivities.

Aspirin (Acetylsalicylic Acid), a Synthetic replacement for Salicin, is a Blood Thinner, which has been used to prevent Blood Clots, but it has potentially DANGEROUS Gastrointestinal Side-Effects. But in its Natural form, Salicin passes HARMLESSLY through the Gastrointestinal Tract, becoming Saligenin and Glucose. The Saligenin is then converted to Salicylic Acid in the Blood and the Liver. The Conversion Process takes a few hours, so results will NOT be felt IMMEDIATELY, but are usually sustained for several hours.

Salicin is HELPFUL for mild feverish Colds and Infections (Influenza), Acute and Chronic Rheumatic Disorders, mild Headaches, and Pain caused by Inflammation. But it does NOT have the DANGEROUS Side-Effects associated with Aspirin.

Molecular Structure Of White Willow Bark Vs. Aspirin: Jon Barron 4/17/2011

Natural Painkillers And Strong Antioxidants Found In Tart Cherries
From Natural News
By Leslee Dru Browning

The chemicals that give tart cherries their red color may relieve pain better than aspirin and may provide antioxidant protection comparable to commercially available supplements like vitamin E, according to Michigan State University researchers. The new findings "suggest that the consumption of cherries may have the potential to reduce cardiovascular or chronic diseases in humans (such as arthritis and gout)," write the scientists.

The research was published in the Jan. 28, 1999, web edition of the peer-reviewed Journal of Natural Products, published by the American Chemical Society, the world's largest scientific society.

While cautioning that studies have not yet been conducted with human subjects, lead author Muralee G. Nair, Ph.D., says their laboratory assay results suggest that a person eating about 20 tart cherries could realize antioxidant or anti-inflammatory benefits. That number of cherries contain 12-25 milligrams of the active compounds, called anthocyanins, according to the authors.

In the study, anthocyanins were found to prevent oxidative damage, caused by oxygen or free radicals, about as well as compounds in commercial antioxidants. They also inhibited enzymes called cyclooxygenase-1 and -2, the targets of anti-inflammatory drugs, at doses more than ten times lower than aspirin. "It is as good as ibuprofen and some of the nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs," says Nair.

"Daily consumption of cherries has the potential to reduce pain related to inflammation, arthritis and gout," added Nair.

Today, nine years after the above study, Tart Cherries continue to be studied for their possible ability to reduce factors associated with Heart Disease and Diabetes at the University of Michigan Cardiovascular Center.

Tart cherries -- frequently sold dried, frozen or in juice -- may have more than just a good taste and bright red color going for them, according to new animal research from the University of Michigan Cardiovascular Center.

Rats that received whole tart cherry powder mixed into a high-fat diet didn't gain as much weight or build up as much body fat as rats that didn't receive cherries. And their blood showed much lower levels of molecules that indicate the kind of inflammation that has been linked to heart disease and diabetes. In addition, they had significantly lower blood levels of cholesterol and triglycerides than the other rats.

The new findings build on results that were reported last year at the same meeting by the U-M team. That data came from experiments involving lean rats that were prone to high blood pressure, high cholesterol and impaired glucose tolerance, but that received a low-fat diet with or without cherries. In that case, cherry-fed rats had lower total cholesterol, lower blood sugar, less fat storage in the liver and lower oxidative stress. However, it was unknown if these benefits would be observed in obesity-prone animals, or in animals fed a higher fat, western-style diet containing elevated saturated fat and cholesterol.

"These new findings are very encouraging, especially in light of what is becoming known about the interplay between inflammation, blood lipids, obesity and body composition in cardiovascular disease and diabetes," says Steven Bolling, M.D., a U-M cardiac surgeon and the laboratory's director. "The fact that these factors decreased despite the rats' predisposition to obesity, and despite their high-fat American style diet, is especially interesting.

The results were presented by E. Mitchell Seymour, M.S., a U-M research associate and the senior scientist on the project. "It was recently shown in humans that regular intake of darkly pigmented fruits like cherries is associated with reduced mortality from cardiovascular disease and coronary heart disease," says Seymour. "The heart-health benefits of these colorful fruits were sustained even when corrected for age and other health conditions. We're now invested in exploring the specific mechanisms of these benefits."

The experiments are funded by an unrestricted grant from the Cherry Marketing Institute, a trade association for the cherry industry. CMI has no influence on the design, conduct or analysis of any U-M research it funds.

The correlation between cherry intake and significant changes in cardiovascular risk factors suggests -- but does not directly demonstrate -- a positive effect from the high concentrations of antioxidant compounds called anthocyanins that are found in tart cherries. The anthocyanins are responsible for the color of these and of other darkly pigmented fruits.

The potential for protective effects from antioxidant-rich foods and food extracts is a promising area of research, says Bolling, who is the Gayle Halperin Kahn Professor of Integrative Medicine at U-M.

Even as the Cardioprotection Laboratory team continues its work in animals, U-M Integrative Medicine co-director Sara Warber, M.D., an assistant professor of family medicine at the U-M Medical School, is preparing to lead a pilot clinical trial of whole tart cherries in humans.

Tart Cherries also contain other important nutrients such as beta carotene (19 times as much as blueberries or strawberries) vitamins C and E, potassium, magnesium, iron, fiber and folate.

Cherries also have been found to help regulate the body's circadian rhythm, prevent memory loss and delay the aging process.

While there's no clear guideline on how many cherries it takes to reap the benefits, experts suggest that 1-2 servings of cherries daily can help provide some of the health benefits identified in the research.

American Chemical Society (1999, February 1).
University of Michigan Health System (2008, April 10). Tart Cherries May Reduce Factors Associated With Heart Disease And Diabetes (
Health and Nutrition (

From The Daily Dose
By DR. William Campbell Douglass
January 17, 2006

The OTHER Killer Painkillers, Part 2

Remember a couple of years ago, when an aspirin a day was thought to be a heart tonic? Popping a "harmless" white pill each day for thinner blood and a healthier heart was all the rage, and many doctors still recommend it. Not this one, though.

In fact, more than 2 years ago (Daily Dose, 4/29/03), I sounded the alarm about the deadly risks of "aspirin therapy," citing a University of Maryland Medical Center study in which blood platelet clumping - which can lead to heart attacks - was noted in 64% of daily aspirin-takers whose blood cholesterol levels were considered by modern medical standards as too high (LDL over 130, which leaves out relatively few Americans.)

To recap, my angle in that earlier Daily Dose piece was that if this University of Maryland study is correct, a daily aspirin INCREASES the risk of coronary events in people with healthy (and normal) LDL cholesterol levels of 180, 200, or more.

Yes, you read that right: In case you didn't already know this, I've long maintained - obviously, in sharp divergence with the mainstream - that anyone with an LDL cholesterol number LOWER than 200 risks serious heart problems. In fact, I don't caution anyone to worry about cholesterol at all until their LDL hits 300 or more. (Doctors should look for the real cause of the problem and stop chasing the cholesterol level. Cholesterol is a marker, and a protective mechanism, not a disease.)

As if this isn't bad enough news for those who've been duped by their doctors or the media into taking an aspirin every day for their tickers, consider this: As dangerous as this evidence suggests it is for most Americans with normal blood cholesterol to take aspirin every day, a newer study points to an immediate and grave risk of STOPPING aspirin therapy once you've begun.

According to a May 2004 study rolled out to the American College of Chest Physicians, people who STOP taking daily aspirin once they've been doing it for a while risk serious heart problems at an alarmingly high rate. The research analyzed the medical records of 1,236 people hospitalized for heart attacks and other acute coronary events. Their findings: That more than 10% of people taking daily aspirin for heart reasons were hospitalized within one week of stopping the therapy. The patient's likely interpretation: "Gee, the aspirin was protecting me; I shouldn't have quit." However...NONE of these patients had been hospitalized for heart-related events before they stopped taking their daily aspirin.

Caught In A Killer Catch-22

What's all this mean?

It means you're damned if you do and damned if you don't, basically. If you take daily aspirin for heart health and your cholesterol's anywhere near the modern American norm, you could be risking a heart attack. And if you stop, you could as well.

It doesn't seem too fair, does it? Just like a lot of things in mainstream medicine.

Seriously, folks, I don't know what to tell you here. If you are unfortunate enough to be one of the millions of Americans taking a daily aspirin for heart health on the advice of your doctor, I think you should ask him about ways to safely wean yourself off the blood-thinner without shocking your system into a heart attack.

And from now on, only take ANY painkillers such as aspirin, acetaminophen, Cox-2s, whatever only when you NEED them. Never forget that these are powerful drugs, and should be treated with respect and not overused (or overdosed on).

Loaded for Bayer and shootin' you square,

William Campbell Douglass II, MD

Safe Painkiller Information: William Campbell Douglass II 2/4/2003 - Cocaine For Back Pain

Safe Painkiller Information: Natural News 9/30/2012 - Curcumin, Boswellia And Natural Remedies Better Than Pain Meds

Aspirin Information: Dr. William Campbell Douglas II 11/22/2002 - Aspirin Popping Craze

Aspirin Information: Chris Gupta 6/4/2003 - Pill That Kills

Aspirin Information: Natural News 9/13/2009 - Consumption Of Aspirin To Prevent Heart Attacks & Strokes "A Big Lie"

Aspirin Information: Natural News 2/2/2010 - Aspirin Is Dangerous And Should Not Be Used

Aspirin Information: Natural News 5/4/2010 - Aspirin Myth Busted: It Does Not Prevent Cardiovascular Disease Deaths At All

Aspirin Information: Natural News 5/16/2011 - Recent Study Finds Aspirin Linked To Erectile Dysfunction

Aspirin Information: Dr. Mercola 3/19/2000 - Few Heart Risk Patients Taking Aspirin

Aspirin Information: Dr. Mercola 5/28/2000 - Aspirin And Ace Inhibitors

Aspirin Information: Dr. Mercola 7/2/2000 - More Harm Than Good

Aspirin Information: Dr. Mercola 9/24/2000 - Another Nail In The Coffin

Aspirin Information: Dr. Mercola 10/29/2000 - More Aspirin Controversy

Aspirin Information: Dr. Mercola 11/19/2000 - Like All Other Drugs, Can Be Poison

Aspirin Information: Dr. Mercola 12/17/2000 - Anti-Fever Drugs Prolong Flu

Aspirin Information: Dr. Mercola 12/17/2001 - Super Aspirin Killing More People

Aspirin Information: Dr. Mercola 3/21/2001 - Put Newborns At Risk

Aspirin Information: Dr. Mercola 7/21/2004 - Dangerous

Aspirin Information: Dr. Mercola 2/2/2005 - Most Trusted?

Aspirin Information: Dr. Mercola 5/17/2005 - Nattokinase

Aspirin Information: Dr. Mercola 6/9/2005 - Mythical Benefits

Aspirin Information: Dr. Mercola 6/16/2005 - Increases Breast Cancer Risk

Aspirin Information: Dr. Mercola 1/7/2006 - Does It Help?

Aspirin Information: Dr. Mercola 3/28/2006 - Plavix

Aspirin Information: Dr. Mercola 1/2/2007 - Stronger Health Warnings

Aspirin Information: Dr. Mercola 4/9/2007 - Ibuprofen And Aspirin Can Be A Deadly Combo

For information on other Painkillers: Dr. Mercola 5/4/2005 - Painkillers Can Be Deadly

For information on other Painkillers: Natural News 5/27/2011 - Tree Bark Compound Helps Reduce Severe Pain Symptoms Naturally

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