Alternative Arthritis Treatment:

Allopathic doctors would call Arthritis, a disease. However, Arthritis is not a true disease at all. The true disease is a nutritional and hormonal deficiency or imbalance. If your doctor is bound and determined to treat a symptom, instead of the true disease, then I would suggest that you should find another doctor. Find an alternative doctor that will understand how to treat your true disease, without pharmaceutical drugs.

Arthritis should be called a nutritional and hormonal disease. We can find the solution to the problem, by testing for nutritional and hormonal deficiencies. Arthritis will start to develop, from a hormonal prospective, as we age. We all ( both men and women ) begin to lose both progesterone and testosterone. We also start gaining a very powerful hormone estradiol. Estradiol is about 300 times more potent in the body, than either progesterone or testosterone and therefore it occupies the cell sites, that should be occupied by progesterone and testosterone. For information on hormone Saliva Testing: Click Here

Nutritional problems can start before birth. What the mother does during pregnancy, can set the stage for the child's nutritional problems. We would be much healthier if we simply stay away from problem foods, such as non-organic meat, fruits and vegetables. Non-organic foods are actually poisoned with un-natural hormones and pesticides. To simplify this, we need to know that we can defeat the symptoms, of what we have been told by allopathic doctors are diseases. When we get our nutrition and our hormonal problems balanced, we can begin to strengthen our immune system, which is the only way we are going to correct the true disease, nutritional and hormonal deficiency.

There is hope for people afflicted with Arthritis without resorting to controversial painkillers. Some 5 million people in North America, are suffering from Arthritis, in one form or another. This widespread disorder is characterized by aching pain and stiffness in the joints. Most doctors recognize that Glucosamine & Chondroitin & MSM, are usually more helpfull than RX pain medications, without the side effects. Caution: Men should not use Chondroitin, as it may have negative effects on the prostate. Another important element is exercise.

Arthritis is present in several forms, that effect different areas of the body as shown below.

Holistic lifestyle changes can help to both prevent the condition and offer relief to those experiencing the various symptoms. A good diet with a high quality whole food supplementation program, would be beneficial, as shown below.

The following is also recommended:

For more information about Arthritis:Dr. Mercola 2/25/2004

For more information about Arthritis:Dr. Mercola ^/2/2004

For more information about Arthritis:Alternative Arthritis Treatments

For more information about Arthritis:Arthritis Insight

For more information about Arthritis:David W. Gregg, Ph.D.

For more information about Arthritis Part I:Dr. John McDougall, M.D.

For more information about Arthritis Part II:Dr. John McDougall, M.D.

For more information about Arthritis: "> Reuters Health 2/19/2003

For more information about Arthritis:Dr. Ben Kim

For more information about Arthritis:Dr. Mercola

For more information about Arthritis: Dr. Mercola 7/17/2004

For more information about Arthritis: Dr. Mercola 8/18/2004

For more information about Arthritis: Dr. Mercola 8/21/2004

For more information about Arthritis: Dr. Mercola 9/8/2004

For more information about Arthritis: Dr. Mercola 9/29/2004

For more information about Arthritis: Dr. Mercola 11/3/2004

For more information about Arthritis: Dr. Mercola 11/20/2004

For more information about Arthritis: Dr. Mercola 1/12/2005

For more information about Arthritis: Dr. Mercola 2/16/2005

For more information about Arthritis: Dr. Mercola 4/20/2005

For more information about Arthritis: Dr. Mercola 8/2/2005

For more information about Arthritis: Dr. Mercola 10/15/2005 - Automotive Oil

For more information about Arthritis: Dr. Mercola 5/6/2006 - Obesity

For more information about Arthritis: Dr. Mercola 6/3/2006 - Dangerous Drugs