Dendritic Cell Therapy:

Also Known As: Immune Support Therapy
From: Cancer Center For Healing

What Is Dendritic Cell?

It is an antigen-presenting cell (APC) in the Immune System. They are special key regulators of the Immune system capable of activating the T-Cells and stimulating the growth and differentiation (mature and change to fit into function needed) of B-Cells. The role of Dendritic Cells are to recognize, process and present the foreign antigens to the T-cells.

When Dendritic cells are augmented (multiplied) their function is to activate the T-Cells and B-cells to attack the imprinted cancer proteins.

Dendritic Vaccine

Individualized Dendritic vaccine created by isolating the cancer cells to identify the most frequently expressed protein (epitope) on the surface of the cancer cells. This cancer protein is then imprinted on to the dendritic cells. The dendritic cell population is then augmented (increase in numbers) in the vaccine.

Goal Of Vaccine

To educate T and B cells to identify body's own cancer cells to mark them for destruction. If vaccine "takes" it will give long-term immunity to your cancer cells. Vaccine can even be made in the future.

Protocol For Dendritic Cell Therapy

1. Before we start on the Dendritic Cell Therapy, we need a blood test called the Immune-Frame. This blood test checks to see if the T-Cells (CD86) and B Cells (CD80) are within acceptable range and patient is candidate. Takes 10-12 days for results to come back.

2. Appointment for consult with physician mandatory to go over results of Immune-Frame and immune system enhancement supplements provide if not within guidelines

3. Dendritic vaccine is created with freshly drawn blood (if patient is candidate or 2 weeks immune system enhancement supplements recommended)

Please be compliant with Immune enhancement or immune boost program recommended by physician. The vaccine depends on your Immune System to work synergistically.

4. All blood draws to be done ONLY on MONDAY to be sent off on same day

5. Patient to be ready waiting for Dendritic vaccine to be back for administration by day 14-15th after blood draw.

6. Vaccine has to be administered exactly on 17th day a Thursday after blood draw or vaccine will not be viable. Please come on exact date and time as scheduled. It takes 4-5 hours for Vaccine infusion to be done.

7. Immune Frame (IF) at 3 weeks to look for CD80 and CD86 increase to 30%. If CD80 and CD86 have 30% or more increase, then vaccine is "taken" by immune system.

8. If CD80 and CD86 count is less than 30% at 3 weeks, then (2) second dose of DC vaccine is required. Usually 1 dose should work for approximately 50% of those who meet the guidelines. Another 20% will need a 2nd dose.

9. If 2nd dose is required, vaccine has to be ordered immediately and protocol remains the same

10. If the 3 weeks Immune-Frame blood draw results has 30% increase in CD80 and CD86, then we will wait for 12 weeks for another Immune-Frame blood draw to confirm CD28 which are Memory cells to be checked as these cells are "Librarians" to provide permanent education to continue for long-term immunity.

11. Every six months patients are required to have their Immune-Frame blood test done to check if there are any mutations, vaccines can be processed for mutated cancers as well from patient's own blood.

Types Of Cancers That Do Not Work With IST (Immune System Therapy) DC Vaccine
Parameters Of Application To Increase Likely Success:

Follow a good lifestyle: Body, Mind and Spirit care to decrease stress and inflammation;

Have good positive attitude and gratitude

Good emotional status, support group, BE COMPLIANT!

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