
Also Known As Vitamin B17 Or Laetrile, Even Though Laetrile Is A Synthetic Compound

Vitamin B17 is found in most all fruit seeds often in the extraordinary concentration of 2 to 3 percent. But for convenience, the simple sources for vitamin B17 are the seeds of the common fruit. Cooking does not destroy the vitamin B17. Almost every food that we eat is better eaten raw. B-glucosidase, included in vitamin B17 is destroyed by heat, but vitamin B17 is not destroyed by heat.

The Table At The End Of This Page Includes A List Of B-17 Foods

The Following Was Excerpted From Apricot Power

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Apricot Kernel Caution

It is important to remember that, like with most spices, enough is good, but more is not necessarily better. There is a natural limit to the proper number of kernels that can be safely consumed at one sitting or within a day's time. Generally that limit is the number that one would eat if he or she were also eating the whole apricot. That, of course, depends on a person's size. A large man might eat eight or nine apricots at a time before becoming full; a small woman might eat five or six; a child probably would eat but two or three; and this could be repeated three or four times a day so long as the stomach was given several hours between times to digest the last meal. A further complication is that there is a great variation between the strength of Apricot Kernels depending on their size, the tree from which they come, and the part of the world in which they are grown. We believe it is a good idea, therefore, to follow this rule:

Take no more kernels than half the number you likely would eat if you also were consuming the entire fruit.

Cutting the number in half, as suggested above, will provide an extra safety margin. Nevertheless, pay attention to your body's signals. Three of the signs of toxicity from too many kernels are dizziness, blurred vision, and nausea. If any of these occur, then remember how many kernels you ate at one time and simply make sure you don't repeat that experience. If the symptoms persist or if they are severe, see a physician immediately, because cyanide poisoning is a serious matter. But, really, none of this is likely to happen if you practice moderation and common sense. People who swallow a whole can of pepper or an entire bottle of aspirin should expect to become ill. All we are saying is that the same is true of Apricot Kernels.

When grinding kernels in a blender, process only a half-cup at a time to avoid having them compact and become butter-like. The usual shelf life of Apricot Kernels at room temperature is four months but, if kept under refrigeration, it is about a year. We recommend storing them in the refrigerator or freezer to keep them fresh and to prevent infestation. These kernels have been shelled by machine, and every effort has been made to make sure that the shards have been removed. No process is 100% perfect, however, so please be on the lookout for occasional small pieces of hard shell.

Vitamin B17 Appears In Abundance In Nature

Because B17 is bitter to the taste, in man's attempt to improve tastes and flavors for his own pleasure, he has eliminated bitter substances like B17 by selection and cross-breeding. It can be stated as a general rule that many of the foods that have been domesticated still contain the vitamin B17 in that part not eaten by modem man, such as the seeds in apricots. Listed below is an evaluation of some of the more common foods. Keep in mind that these are averages only and that specimens vary widely depending on variety, locale, soil, and climate.

Fruits Range Nitrilosides
Blackberry, Domestic Low Below 100 mg Nitriloside Per 100 Grams 0f Food
Blackberry, Wild High Above 500 mg Nitriloside Per 100 Grams Of Food
Boysenberry Medium Above 100 mg Nitriloside Per 100 Grams Of Food
Choke Cherry High Above 500 mg Nitriloside Per 100 Grams Of Food
Wild Crabapple High Above 500 mg Nitriloside Per 100 Grams Of Food
Market Cranberry Low Below 100 mg Nitriloside Per 100 Grams 0f Food
Swedish (Lignon) Cranberry High Above 500 mg Nitriloside Per 100 Grams Of Food
Currant Medium Above 100 mg Nitriloside Per 100 Grams Of Food
Elderberry Medium Above 100 mg Nitriloside Per 100 Grams Of Food
Gooseberry Medium Above 100 mg Nitriloside Per 100 Grams Of Food
Huckleberry Medium Above 100 mg Nitriloside Per 100 Grams Of Food
Loganberry Medium Above 100 mg Nitriloside Per 100 Grams Of Food
Mulberry Medium Above 100 mg Nitriloside Per 100 Grams Of Food
Quince Medium Above 100 mg Nitriloside Per 100 Grams Of Food
Raspberry Medium Above 100 mg Nitriloside Per 100 Grams Of Food

Seeds Range Nitrilosides
Apple Seeds High Above 500 mg Nitriloside Per 100 Grams Of Food
Apricot Seeds High Above 500 mg Nitriloside Per 100 Grams Of Food
Buckwheat Medium Above 100 mg Nitriloside Per 100 Grams Of Food
Cherry seeds High Above 500 mg Nitriloside Per 100 Grams Of Food
Flax Seeds Medium Above 100 mg Nitriloside Per 100 Grams Of Food
Millet Medium Above 100 mg Nitriloside Per 100 Grams Of Food
Nectarine Seeds High Above 500 mg Nitriloside Per 100 Grams Of Food
Peach seeds High Above 500 mg Nitriloside Per 100 Grams Of Food
Pear Seeds High Above 500 mg Nitriloside Per 100 Grams Of Food
Plum seeds High Above 500 mg Nitriloside Per 100 Grams Of Food
Prune seeds High Above 500 mg Nitriloside Per 100 Grams Of Food
Squash Seeds Medium Above 100 mg Nitriloside Per 100 Grams Of Food

Beans Range Nitrilosides
Black Low Below 100 mg Nitriloside Per 100 Grams 0f Food
Black-Eyed Peas Low Below 100 mg Nitriloside Per 100 Grams 0f Food
Fava High Above 500 mg Nitriloside Per 100 Grams Of Food
Garbanzo Low Below 100 mg Nitriloside Per 100 Grams 0f Food
Green Peas Low Below 100 mg Nitriloside Per 100 Grams 0f Food
Kidney Low Below 100 mg Nitriloside Per 100 Grams 0f Food
Lentils Medium Above 100 mg Nitriloside Per 100 Grams Of Food
Lima, U.S. Low Below 100 mg Nitriloside Per 100 Grams 0f Food
Lima, Burma Medium Above 100 mg Nitriloside Per 100 Grams Of Food
Mung Medium Above 100 mg Nitriloside Per 100 Grams Of Food
Shell Low Below 100 mg Nitriloside Per 100 Grams 0f Food

Nuts (All Raw) Range Nitrilosides
Bitter Almond High Above 500 mg Nitriloside Per 100 Grams Of Food
Cashew Low Below 100 mg Nitriloside Per 100 Grams 0f Food
Macadamia Medium Above 100 mg Nitriloside Per 100 Grams Of Food

Sprouts Range Nitrilosides
Alfalfa Medium Above 100 mg Nitriloside Per 100 Grams Of Food
Bamboo High Above 500 mg Nitriloside Per 100 Grams Of Food
Fava Medium Above 100 mg Nitriloside Per 100 Grams Of Food
Garbanzo Medium Above 100 mg Nitriloside Per 100 Grams Of Food
Mung Medium Above 100 mg Nitriloside Per 100 Grams Of Food

Leaves Range Nitrilosides
Alfalfa High Above 500 mg Nitriloside Per 100 Grams Of Food
Beet Tops Low Below 100 mg Nitriloside Per 100 Grams 0f Food
Eucalyptus High Above 500 mg Nitriloside Per 100 Grams Of Food
Spinach Low Below 100 mg Nitriloside Per 100 Grams 0f Food
Water Cress Low Below 100 mg Nitriloside Per 100 Grams 0f Food

Tubers Range Nitrilosides
Cassava High Above 500 mg Nitriloside Per 100 Grams Of Food
Sweet Potato Low Below 100 mg Nitriloside Per 100 Grams 0f Food
Yams Low Below 100 mg Nitriloside Per 100 Grams 0f Food

Amygdalin Information: Search By State

Amygdalin Information: Some Foods Containing B 17

Amygdalin Information: Cancer Cure (Scroll Down)

Amygdalin Information: Cancer Cure

Amygdalin Information: Laetrile - Vitamin B-17

Amygdalin Information: Annie Appleseed Project

Amygdalin Information: G. Edward Griffin - Vitamin B17 - Video 55 Min.

Amygdalin Information: G. Edward Griffin - Science Of Cancer - Video 25 Min.

Amygdalin Information: Green Earth Ministries - Vitamin B17 - Video

Amygdalin Information: Natural News 9/24/2009 - Apricot Seeds Kill Cancer Cells Without Side Effects

Amygdalin Information: Natural News 2/15/2011 - How Laetrile Or B17 From Apricot Seeds Kills Only Cancer Cells

Amygdalin Information: Natural News 7/25/2011 - The Seed Of A Peach Contains An Almond Like Nut Containing The Anti Cancer Medicine Laetrile

Amygdalin Information: Natural News 4/13/2012 - Apricot Seed Cyanide Controversy Foolishly Obscures An Effective Alternative Cancer Cure

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