Alternative ADD/ADHD Treatment:

It has been documented since the early 1970's that poor diet and food allergies could be related to ADHD, or that there could be improvements in an ADHD individual by putting them on a specific ADHD Diet. Often ADHD individuals have physical symptoms as well that could be due to food allergies such as, asthma, chronic ear infections, migraines, eczema, chronic infections, etc… Dr. Benjamin Feingold made the original claims that certain foods and food additives could trigger ADHD, and when he tested this diet with his patients he found success. He claimed that 30-50% of his ADHD patients benefited from his ADHD Diet (free of artificial colorings and salicylates). As the ADHD Diet Information and the word of Dr. Feingold's success became widely known, skepticism and controversy emerged.

The first study that supported Dr. Feingold's ADHD Diet Information in 1976 found that at least 4 out of 15 children diagnosed with ADHD improved on a diet free of artificial colors and flavors. Many breakfast cereals, candies, chips, breakfast bars, ice creams, boxed macaroni and cheese, canned ravioli's, sodas, and pretty much everything your child loves to eat contains artificial colors and flavors. Our Standard American Diet (SAD) consists of processed foods, red meat, refined carbohydrates, food additives, soft drinks, and fried foods. With that said, it is a good idea for the whole family to follow an ADHD Diet.

ADHD Diet Information:

Since an individual with ADHD could be having adverse reactions to a specific type of food, we suggest cutting these foods from their diet for two weeks. These foods include:

After the two weeks, you can begin adding these foods back into your diet. Add one food type every couple of days. If the ADHD individual has a reaction to that food in the form of: red splotches, red ears, or an explosive temper outburst, then eliminate that food from their diet indefinitely. A reaction should show within 4 days. If there is no reaction, then you may add that food back into their normal diet. Keep a journal of the behavior before and after the ADHD Diet, then you can see when problems arise and what foods were eaten at that time. If a food is eaten by mistake from the banned list, do not worry; just get back on the diet.

ADHD Diet Information Tips:

Before accepting a diagnosis of ADD or ADHD, parents should rule out other conditions that show similar symptoms.

For more information on ADD/ADHD: Dr. Jonathan V. Wright

For more information on ADD/ADHD: Fish Oil Diet, Feeds the Brain

For more information on ADD/ADHD: Dr. Wendy Weber

For more information on ADD/ADHD: Omega 3 To Omega 6 Ratio - 1:1 Is Best

For more information on ADD/ADHD: Dr. Johnathan V. Wright 8/30/2004 - Ritalin

For information on Adult ADD/ADHD: Dr. Mercola 6/26/2004

For information on ADD/ADHD: Dr. Mercola 9/18/2004

For information on ADD/ADHD: Dr. Mercola 5/31/2005

For information on ADD/ADHD: Dr. Mercola 4/6/2006 - Hallucinations

For information on ADD/ADHD: Dr. Mercola 4/29/2006 - The Patch

For more information on ADD/ADHD: Click Here

For more information on ADD/ADHD: Feingold Association

For information on Essential Elements: Click Here

For more information, see Chelation Therapy

For more information: Chelation Therapy - British Columbia, Canada

For more information: Chelation Therapy - Ontario, Canada

For more information, see Detoxamin Suppositories.

For more information, see Medicardium Suppositories.

For more information: Adult Self-Report Scale.