Medical Herbs:

Chinese Herbs

Chinese herbal remedies have been used for more than a thousand years before writing was invented. Chinese herbs can be used in conjunction with other natural remedies. They are generally used in combination with several other herbs. However, they should be considered only to assist in gaining better health.

I have listed some of the references to Chinese Herbs, that I have found, that have been reported to be used for any disorder. Please Keep in mind that you should consult a doctor, who is also a Chinese herbalist or works with a Chinese Herbalist, before taking herbal substances, for any medical condition. It is possible that there could be a conflict with prescriptive medicines, that you might be taking. Please consult with your doctor, for the necessary quantities of each herb to be taken.

Western Herbs

Herbal remedies have been used longer than anyone can imagine. In fact they were in use, prior to biblical times. Herbs can be used in conjunction with other natural remedies. However, they should be considered only to assist in gaining better health.

I have listed all of the references to Western Herbs, that I could find, that have been reported to be used for any disorder. Please Keep in mind that you should consult a doctor, who is also a herbalist or works with a Herbalist, before taking herbal substances, for any medical condition. It is possible that there could be a conflict with prescriptive medicines, that you might be taking. Please consult with your doctor, for the necessary quantities of each herb to be taken.

Listed below are Western Herbal Remedies, used to help certain ailments:

Chinese Herb Information: Introduction To Chinese Herbs

Chinese Herb Information: Traditional Chinese Medicine

Chinese Herb Information: Deer Antler Preparations To Nourish Blood, Bone, & Joints

Chinese Herb Information: Natural News 9/12/2008 - The Longevity Factor

Chinese Herb Information: Dr. Mercola 12/28/2007 - Herb Triggers Cancer Cell Death

Herb Usage Information: Common Herbs And Supplements

Essiac Herbal Tea Information: Health World

Essiac Herbal Tea Information: Angel Tea

Western Herb Information: Jon Barron 8/12/2011 - Herbs That Boost Your Immunity

Western Herb Information: Monterey Bay Spice Company

Western Herb Information: Dr. William Campbell Douglass II 5/31/2002 - Weight Loss Warning

Western Herb Information: Dr. Jonathan V. Wright 6/26/2006 - Weight Loss Warning

Western Herb Information: Dr. Jonathan V. Wright 6/29/2006 - Dandelions

Western Herb Information: Dr. Ben Kim - NAC Benefits Cocaine Addiction

Western Herb Information: Natural News 10/30/2008 - Oregano Shown To Be The Most Powerful Culinary Herb

Western Herb Information: Natural News 10/30/2008 - Turmeric May Prevent Type 2 Diabetes

Western Herb Information: Natural News 11/4/2008 - Oil Of Oregano

Western Herb Information: Dr. Mercola 3/3/2001 - Careful If Planning Surgery

Western Herb Information: Dr. Mercola 1/1/2007 - Black Cohosh For Hot Flashes

Western Herb Information: Dr. Mercola 4/20/2007 - Ginkgo Biloba Helps You Live Longer

Western Herb Information: Dr. Mercola 11/6/2007 - More Effective Than Drugs

Western Herb Information: Dr. Mercola 3/18/2008 - Ginkgo Biloba Protects Your Memory

Western Herb Information: Dr. Mercola 3/20/2008 - Treating Cancer

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