Stinging Nettle:

From Natural News
By JB Bardot
Dated 6/6/2012

Stinging Nettle Health Benefits For Home Remedies That Treat Just About Everything

It may be a brash statement to say that one prickly green herb is the panacea for almost everything that ails you; but, in the case of stinging nettles, it's mostly true. If there's one plant to have on hand at all times that provides a cure for arthritis, an herbal treatment for allergies, relieves hair loss, treats Celiac disease, bleeding, bladder infections, skin complaints, neurological disorders and a long list of other conditions -- it's nettle leaf.

Nettle plants grow wild across the U.S., Europe and around the globe; they are used for both medicinal purposes and as food. Highly nutritious, the prickly plant is often used as a spring tonic. It's a natural cleanse that removes metabolic wastes and is both gentle and stimulating on the lymph system, promoting easy excretion through the kidneys. All parts of the nettle plant are used; and it's available in a wide variety of medicines ranging from dried leaf, to ointments, tinctures, homeopathic remedies and herbal extracts.

Stinging Nettle Cure For Arthritis

Nettle leaves are used to treat painful symptoms of arthritis, gout, rheumatism, and soft tissue conditions such as fibromyalgia and tendonitis. Patients with Lupus and other auto-immune disorders suffering from joint pain experience relief from drinking a cup of nettle tea or eating stewed nettle leaves daily. Its diuretic action alkalizes and releases uric acid from the joints of gout patients eliminating pain.

Stinging Nettle Health Benefits For Women

Nettle is high in iron making it excellent for combating anemia and fatigue. It supports the liver and the female hormonal system. Pregnant women benefit from stinging nettle as it protects against bleeding and strengthens the fetus. Known as a galactagogue, it promotes milk production in nursing mothers. Stinging nettles reduces PMS symptoms, processes estrogen to relieve menopausal symptoms and curbs excess menstrual flow. It's often used in herbal tonics to remove fibroids and regulate the menstrual flow.

Herbal Treatment For Allergies

Stinging nettle leaves have been used both as an herbal treatment and a homeopathic remedy for the relief of nettle allergies such as asthma, hay fever, hives and other allergic dermatitis.

Urinary Tract Support

Stinging nettles are helpful for bladder and urinary tract function in both sexes. The tea acts as a natural diuretic, increases urination and helps break down kidney stones. Nettles acts as a pelvic decongestant and reduces an enlarged prostate.

Stinging Nettle Health Benefits For Hair Loss And Skin Conditions

Nettle tea relieves eczema and acne, removes warts when applied topically, and relieves itching from nettle rash. It has a stimulating effect on the scalp when used as a hair rinse and helps regenerate both hair growth and restore original color. It works to relieve dandruff and as a conditioner for the scalp.

Stinging Nettle Digestive Aid

Nettle leaf is effective at reducing symptoms of the digestive tract ranging from acid reflux, excess gas, nausea, colitis and Celiac disease. Additionally, it's medicinal action on mucous membranes makes it an effective herbal treatment for sore throats, swollen hemorrhoids, nose bleeds and mouth sores.

More Nettle Cures

-- Reduces gingivitis and prevents plaque as a mouth rinse.
-- Relieves chest congestion and coughing, bronchitis, COPD and TB.
-- Is helpful in the treatment of Alzheimers.
-- Relieves neurological disorders such as MS, ALS and sciatica.
-- Remedies made from the plant's roots prevent night time urination in children.
-- Destroys intestinal worms and parasites.
-- Supports the endocrine system including the thyroid, spleen and pancreas.


Because stinging nettles can produce side effects and interact with other drugs and natural treatments, consult your healthcare practitioner before using it.

Sources For This Article Include:

Stinging Nettles Information: Natural News 10/21/2009 - Stinging Nettles: So Many Cures That You Will Lose Count

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