Fermented Foods:

What Are Fermented Foods?

Fermentation is a chemical process by which sugars are converted to alcohols and carbon dioxide. Food products are typically fermented using bacteria or yeast. Fermentation has been used by many cultures for many centuries, perhaps most notably to make alcoholic drinks such as beer. Fermentation is also important for making bread and cheese. Some foods such as cured meats and pickled vegetables can also be preserved through fermentation.

Partial List Of Fermented Foods:

Fermentation was used more than a thousand years ago, primarily to preserve food. Yet over the years, science has learned that the process of fermentation yields powerful health benefits. Fermented foods will improve gut health, enhance digestibility and enhance nutrient content.

Friendly Bacteria Are Good For Our Health In The Following Ways:

The modern diet lacks beneficial bacteria and is high in factors which prevent it from colonizing in our guts as it should. Dysbiosis, a bacterial imbalance, is common in Western society thanks to diets high in sugar and meat, but low in probiotics.

Dysbiosis encourages yeasts and putrefactive bacteria to flourish, instead of fermentative beneficial bacteria. In turn, toxins build up and damage the sensitive microvilli brush border that lines our intestinal wall. When it's healthy, that area helps assimilate nutrients and prevent toxins from passing through the gut wall into the bloodstream.

The modern diet also causes inflammation of the gut and excessive intestinal permeability (leaky gut syndrome), leading to conditions such as Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, and irritable bowel syndrome. Allergies, systemic candida, eczema, autoimmune disease, arthritis, and even mental illness have all been linked to dysbiosis. If your stool smells unpleasant, it is a good sign of too much putrefaction and an imbalance of gut flora.

How You Can Get More Good Bacteria In Your Diet

Make sure you get enough probiotics from fermented foods or from probiotic supplements, can protect you from these illnesses and help you attain optimum health. By eating plant foods rich in plant fibers, you also provide FOS, the food beneficial bacteria feed off, thus helping them thrive in your system. Avocados, Bananas, and Jerusalem Artichokes are high in FOS.

Fermented Foods Information: Natural News 11/9/2009 - Fermented Vegetables Boost Immunity And Improve Health

Fermented Foods Information: Natural News 10/3/2009 - Fermented Soy Is The Only Soy Food Fit For Human Consumption

Fermented Foods Information: Natural News 7/7/2012 - Germination And Fermentation - The Secret To Easily Digestible Grains

Fermented Foods Information: Natural News 7/30/2012 - The Secret Healing Benefits Of Miso

Fermented Foods Information: Natural News 9/29/2012 - Eat A Diet Rich In Fermented Foods To Help Achieve Optimal Health

Fermented Foods Information: Dr. Mercola 7/16/2011 - The Food That Helps You To Detox Pesticides

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