Equiscope Therapy:

Equiscope Therapy Is Primarilly For Pain Management
Some Examples Are Listed Below
Acute Or Chronic Pain Back Pain Joint Injuries Headaches Or Migraines
Fibromyalgia Neuropathy Neck Pain Muscular Strains Or Sprains
Sciatica Sports Injuries Ligament Injuries Swelling Or Edema

Equiscope Therapy Is Also For Anyone Who:
Wants To Recover Faster From Surgery Wants To Recover Faster From Injury Or Trauma
Wants To Reduce Pain Medications Wants To Seek An Alternative To Surgery

What Does Equiscope Therapy Do?

Electricity plays a critical role in all body functions. Our central nervous system, which controls voluntary body functions, and autonomic nervous system, which controls involuntary body functions, generate billions of electrical signals to control everything from movement to the beat of our heart. On the cellular level every cell has 20 to 40 types of ion channels that help it communicate and function. Neuroscientists found that applying current to the cellular membrane activated and opened the electrically-sensitive ion channels, enhancing nutrient intake and waste product departure; thus, transforming a cell from a degenerative state to a regenerative state in a matter of seconds. In simple language, Equiscope Therapy reprograms the electricity in our body.

Many who are just now learning about Equiscope Therapy assume it's a new technology. The truth is professional sports players, Olympians, top golfers, and other elite athletes have used this therapy for years. It's similar in concept to acupuncture, but physicians have observed better, longer lasting results.

How Does It Work?

The Equiscope uses intelligent, focused microcurrent to autocorrect abnormal electrical patterns in nerve and connective tissue. This therapy creates an optimal healing environment-increasing circulation, decreasing inflammation and relieving your pain.

Equiscope Is Not A Drug Equiscope Is Noninvasive Equiscope Is Painless

What To Expect

You can expect to experience decreased pain, increased flexibility and often an improved sense of well-being. These benefits can often be attained within 3 to 6 sessions, although chronic conditions may require additional sessions.

Typical Benefits And Outcomes

Equiscope Information: John Thorpe - Equiscope Therapy Videos

Equiscope Information: Center For Asvaned Medicine - Equiscope Therapy Video

Equiscope Information: Dr. Steven Sinatra - Equiscope Therapy Video

Equiscope Information: Dr. Steven Sinatra - Equiscope Therapy Video

Equiscope Information: John Thorpe - Equiscope Therapy Videos

Equiscope Information: John Thorpe - Equiscope Therapy Video

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