Alternative Breast Cancer Treatment:

Cancer is a word that strikes fear into our hearts. When we are given this diagnosis, our immediate reaction is to find out how soon we can get the cancer removed. I would recommend checking all of the allopathic modalities, with all of the potential problems, before making a decision as to what to do. If the type of cancer is a fast growing type, it may be necessary to take the appropriate allopathic treatment. However, if the cancer is a slow growing type, such as is generally the case with prostate cancer, it may be appropriate to try an alternative approach. After extensive research, I believe that cancer is systemic, which means that we were born with it. That also means that we will die with it. However, we do not have to die from it.

Cancer only becomes a problem, when our immune system can't kill the cancer cells fast enough. Assume for a moment, that our immune system only kills 1 million cancer cells per day and we produce 1.1 million cancer cells per day. It takes about 1 billion cancer cells to form a tumor, that can be diagnosed via the best scanning devices available. At this rate we would be creating more cancer cells per day, than our immune system can destroy. Therefore, allowing our body to form a tumor.

The best way to prevent cancer is to strengthen your immune and hormonal systems, by working with your alternative doctor. Take the proper tests as designated by your alternative doctor, in order to balance your nutrition with your hormones. When this is done, you should have a strong immune system and be on your way to cancer prevention and also to defeating the cancer you have. Be advised to only take bio-identical vitamins and hormones.

Cancer should be called a nutritional and hormonal disorder. We can find the solution to the problem, by testing for nutritional and hormonal deficiencies. Cancer will start to develop, from a hormonal prospective, as we age. We all ( both men and women ) begin to lose both progesterone and testosterone. We also start gaining a very powerful hormone estradiol. Estradiol is about 300 times more potent in the body, than either progesterone or testosterone and therefore it occupies the cell sites, that should be occupied by progesterone and testosterone. Information on hormone Saliva Testing: Click Here

It has been shown that cancer can be defeated, by a change in our eating habits. Sugar feeds cancer. If you eliminate sugar from your diet, you will be taking the first step. It has also been shown that eating cruciferous vegetables, will also stop the replication of cancer cells. For those that do not eat large portions of cruciferous vegetables every day, you can get a supplement called DIM (di-indoly methane), which is the active ingredient in cruciferous vegetables. Also, it is recommended that you take in enough calcium daily, (either in food or in supplement form) to keep your body alkaline. Cancer lives in an acidic body and can't survive in an alkaline body.

London (Reuters) Wed Dec 7, 1:14 PM ET

Scientists have discovered how cancer spreads from a primary site to other places in the body in a finding that could open doors for new ways of treating and preventing advanced disease.

Instead of a cell just breaking off from a tumor and traveling through the bloodstream to another organ where it forms a secondary tumor, or metastasis, researchers in the United States have shown that the cancer sends out envoys to prepare the new site. Intercepting those envoys, or blocking their action with drugs, might help to prevent the spread of cancer or to treat it in patients in which it has already occurred.

"We are basically looking at all the earlier steps that are involved in metastasis that we weren't previously aware of. It is complex but we are opening the door to all these things that occur before the tumor cell implants itself," said Professor David Lyden, of Cornell University in New York. "It is a map to where the metastasis will occur," he added in an interview.

Landing Site For Cancer Cells

Cancer's ability to colonize other organs is what makes the disease so deadly. Once the cancer has spread beyond its original site it is much more difficult to treat. In research reported in the journal Nature, Lyden and his colleagues describe what happens before the arrival of the cancerous cells at the new site. "The authors show that tumor cells can mobilize normal bone marrow cells, causing them to migrate to particular regions and change the local environment so as to attract and support a developing metastasis," Patricia Steeg, of the National Cancer Institute in Bethesda, Maryland, said in a commentary. Cells at the site of the metastasis multiply and produce a protein called fibronectin, which acts like a glue to attract and trap the bone marrow cells to create a landing pad or nest for the cancer cells.

"These nests provide attachment factors for the tumor cells to implant and nurture them. It causes them not only to bind but to proliferate. Once that all takes place we have a fully formed metastatic site or secondary tumor," said Lyden. "This is the first time anyone has discovered what we call the pre-metastatic niche." Without the landing pad, the cancerous cell could not colonize the organ. In animal and laboratory studies, the scientists looked at how breast, lung and oesophageal cancer spread. The envoys from the tumor determine the site of the secondary site. Lyden said measuring the number of special bone marrow cells circulating in the body could help to determine whether a cancer is likely to spread. "This opens up the door to new concepts of how metastasis is taking place. If we can understand all these multiple processes we can develop new drugs that block each step. That way we have a much better future than just trying to treat the tumor cell, which is almost like a last step in this process," he added.

Breast Cancer Information: A4M 6/8/2010 - Breast Cancer Cells: Death By Peaches, Plums

Breast Cancer Information: A4M 4/24/2009 - A Handful Of Walnuts A Day

Breast Cancer Information: Natural News 9/30/2008 - Lignans Shown To Provide Great Benefits

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Breast Cancer Information: Dr. William Campell Douglass II 10/15/2002 - Flax Seed And Oil

Breast Cancer Information: Dr. William Campell Douglass II 10/18/2002 - Early Detection

Breast Cancer Information: Dr. John R. Lee - Breast Cancer Main Page

Breast Cancer Information: Dr. Lorraine Day - Cancer Video

Breast Cancer Information: Moss Reports 10/8/2001 - Breast Cancer

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Breast Cancer Information: Moss Reports 11/29/2009 - The Mammography Debate, Part II

Breast Cancer Information: Moss Reports 7/25/2010 - Avastin: Stunning Reversal Part I

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