
Mercury is a cancer causing metal

Maine recently initiated landmark legislation requiring dentists to inform patients that amalgam dental fillings contain mercury, a heavy metal implicated in neurological disorders of children such as autism and ADD/ADHD, and in fertility problems in women. According to scientific research, humans primary exposure to mercury comes from dental amalgam.

Governor Angus King of Maine signed the bill, which specifies that every dentists office in Maine must display a poster and a brochure explaining the presence of mercury in amalgam fillings and the toxic metals harmful effects on health. The legislation is being labeled the most advanced bill of its kind in the United States.

Gov. King remarked that Maine has led the country in taking steps to remove mercury from the air and water. And yet, he said, We all carry it around in our mouths.

Maine Senate President Michaud praised the many individuals who testified in support of the bill, particularly the dentists who enthusiastically endorsed it despite opposition by the American Dental Association. We hope that the U.S. will take Maines lead and move forward with legislation at the national level, Michaud said.

The next step, Consumer advocate Pam Anderson said, would hopefully be for Maine to prohibit the use of dental amalgams in children and in all women of childbearing age.

Since other states have not been so conscientious, anyone concerned whether they have high levels of mercury in their body can take a hair analysis test which will reveal the presence of nine toxic metals--mercury, aluminum, antimony, arsenic, bismuth, cadmium, lead, mercury, nickel and tin. DMSA, a sulfhydryl-containing compound, binds to metallic elements and helps the body excrete these harmful substances. DMSA is a potent chelator of mercury and has been used as an antidote for heavy metal toxicity since the 1950's.

Chelation therapy is commonly used to remove toxic heavy metals from the body. EDTA can effectively remove mercury from the body.

For more information regarding mercury: Click Here.

For more information regarding mercury: Click Here.

For more information regarding mercury: Click Here.

Calculate your mercury consumption: Click Here.