Biological Dental Recommendations:

We highly recommend the following:

Have your dental needs looked after by a biological dentist. Most, will recommend removal of amalgam fillings, root canal teeth and to fill missing teeth spaces with implants or bridges.

Dental amalgam fillings contain somewhere between 35% and 55% mercury. A wide variety of debilitating and supposedly incurable conditions, may actually be due to chronic mercury poisoning. Mercury poisoning can easily be cured, once it is recognized. Most allopathic dentists and doctors will not recognize, the association between mercury and the diseases listed below. Please keep in mind that mercury is not the only thing associated with this list of diseases. However, it has a major impact, on the health of these individuals.

When a root canal procedure is performed, the nerve and blood supply to the tooth are removed. The tooth at that point is dead. However, that may not be the end of the story. As the bacteria in the tubules of the root filled tooth, convert from aerobic to anaerobic ( survival without oxygen ), the problems start to develop. Since there is no blood supply, neither anti-biotic's nor your own immune system can stop a future infection. When the bacteria from the root canal tooth, infects the tissue surrounding the gums, other teeth and bone, your immune system struggles to fight the infection. eventually the immune system will lose the battle and the tooth will have to be extracted.

To find a biological dentist in your area, click on the links below:
The Holistic Dental Association
The I.A.O.M.T. Association
The I.A.M.F.D. International Association

For more information on amalgams and root canals click on the links below:
Dr. Lina Garcia I

Dr. Lina Garcia II

For information on Cavitat locations: Click Here

Calculate your Mercury consumption Click Here

Your bad dental condition, has long been associated with heart disease.

Chelation, will help eliminate the mercury, which is associated with the following chronic conditions:

For more information: Dr. Mercola 1/17/2006 - Grapefruit