
When purchasing vitamins, be aware that there are natural and synthetic vitamins. Synthetic vitamins are only part of the molecular structure, of natural vitamins and will not improve vitamin deficiency. In fact they will worsen the condition, for which you took them, in the first place.

Whole complex vitamins, consist of enzymes, co-enzymes, antioxidants and trace mineral activators.

Bleached white flour, has more than 30 known nutrients removed, with 4 synthetics added back in. Today, the majority of people in the civilized world, are becoming victims of degenerative diseases, resulting from chronic poisoning and malnutrition. Even though we are generally well fed, we are starving to death, for the most essential nutrients. For over 60 years, we have had a daily ration of a genetic poison, in most of the bread, flour products, cereals and other food items that are forced by law, to be enriched with synthetic vitamins.

The following is a list of vitamins that I am presently taking, every day. Please check with your alternative healthcare provider for your needs.

MG = Milligrams     IU = International Units     MCG = Micrograms