Bio-Identical Hormones:

When getting hormones from a pharmacy, be aware that there are natural and synthetic hormones. Synthetic hormones are only part of the molecular structure, of natural hormones and will not improve hormone deficiency. In fact they will worsen the condition, for which you took them, in the first place.

My recommendation is to take bio-identical hormones of the sub lingual type. I have found the absorption to be much better with sub lingual hormones, than with transdermal hormones. the sub lingual form I use is call a Troche (pronounced trokey).

Bio-identical hormones, consist of the exact molecular structure of the hormones that are made in your body. They are made from plant sources and are exactly the same, as nature made them in us.

When writing prescriptions, doctors should keep in mind that bio-identical hormones will have no negative effect on the body, if they are prescribed in quantities that are consistent, with levels needed for optimal health. On the other hand, synthetic hormones made by major pharmaceutical companies, are mostly prescribed by allopathic doctors and can have major negative effects on every part of the body

For more information about hormones from Dr. John Lee: Click here

For more information about hormones from Bio-Identical Hormone Society: Click here

For more information about hormones From Dr. Johnathon V. Wright: Click here

For more information about hormones: Click here

For more information about hormones: Click here

For more information about hormones: Click here

For more information about hormones saliva testing: Click here

For more information about testosterone: Click here

For more information about Hormone DHT from Pub Med: Click here

For more information about hormones from Dr. Zava: C://"> Click here

For more information about hormones from Dr. Ray Sahelian: Click here