Western Herbal Remedies:

Herbal remedies have been used longer than anyone can imagine. In fact they were in use, prior to biblical times. Herbs can be used in conjunction with other natural remedies. However, they should be considered only to assist in gaining better health.

I have listed all of the references to Western Herbs, that I could find, that have been reported to be used for any disorder. Please Keep in mind that you should consult a doctor, who is also a herbalist or works with a Herbalist, before taking herbal substances, for any medical condition. It is possible that there could be a conflict with prescriptive medicines, that you might be taking. Please consult with your doctor, for the necessary quantities of each herb to be taken.

Listed below are Western Herbal Remedies, used to help certain ailments:

For information on Essiac Herbal Tea: Click Here

For information on Chinese Herbs: Click Here

For information on Chinese Herbs: Click Here

To find a Herbalist near you: Click Here